Chapter 122

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After the birthing room was all set and her Husbands started to pace with nervous energy, The Muse noticed that, one by one, they were all producing their copies of "What Happens When She Gives Birth", a book that Joonie had found and bought for them all to be as prepared as they could be. She had seen all seven copies of the book being studied throughout the last couple of months. Honestly, she would have thought they had it memorized by then.

The contractions were coming closer together and The Muse had started walking up and down the hallway to help the process along a bit. Her husbands were staying close by her side as she walked. Jimin gently rubbed circles on her low back, trying to soothe her in any way he could. Tae was on the other side, holding her hand and kissing it through every single contraction. Yoongi was behind them, chewing his thumbnail and counting out loud for each contraction, giving her his voice to concentrate on as she breathed. Jungkook had gone to get his camera's ready, popping up to take a picture every now and again. She was extremely aware that she looked very... unphotogenic... at that moment, but also knew that these pictures were important to him, and it was a way for him to keep busy and not go completely crazy with nerves.

Her Warriors were just as anxious as her Husbands, and all three were sitting in the living room reading their birthing guide books, again, to make sure they hadn't missed anything important all of the other times they'd read it.

One particularly strong contraction had The Muse squeezing Tae's hand so hard she was afraid she might break it. His laughter was strained as he whined about the pain, but never tried to get her to let go. Somehow, the feeling of the ring they all wore being squeezed into his skin reminded him of what he could have lost, and what he was so lucky to have again.

The rings had been Jimin's idea. After a lot of self reflection about his reaction to Petal, and even his wife, he sought out a therapist to counsel him through his knee jerk reactions and anger. He really had been working on making himself a better person, not just for himself, but for his entire family. He didn't want to bring that kind of energy to their daughter. Jimin worked, almost desperately, to prove himself to be a good man and a good husband.

He had come to Yoongi, Tae and Jungkook with the idea of matching rings for all of them to share. Yes, their families did want formal weddings at some point, but none of them were sure when something like that could fit into their schedule. Jimin presented them with a drawing of the infinity symbol, a sideways 8, with seven white diamonds and one larger purple diamond in the very center, holding the symbol together, infinitely.

They were all in love with the idea, and had five matching rings specially made. They even had matching necklaces made for Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin.

In talking to each other, they also realized that none of them had ever done anything truly romantic for their wife. Yoongi and Jungkook were adamant that she understood how they felt without having to make a big gesture. Jimin and Tae were romantics at heart and would not stand for it. It took a little prodding, and a promise that all they needed to do was show up when they were called, but Yoongi and Jungkook finally acquiesced and agreed to give Jimin and Taehyung free reign in creating an overly romantic moment for their wife. She had been through so much with them, and deserved the world.

Getting it all together in between rehearsals, recording and every other thing they had going on was a challenge. As was finding a way to pull off their ideas without the public finding out about it. They were steadfast in their attempt to keep the pregnancy a secret as long as they possibly could, and were trying to keep The Muse hidden as much as possible. Which meant that they mostly just went from the dorm to the office and back again.

Jimin took that as a personal challenge and drew up some detailed plans before sharing his thoughts with Tae. It wasn't original by any means, but they knew she'd love it anyway.

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