Chapter 95

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The Muse sat on Namjoon's lap as he wrote lyrics and watched the others as they messed around and entertained themselves for the cameras. She felt her husbands looking at her often, and noticed that they had all started trying to connect with her for the first time since they'd broken it off. That annoyed her. Now she was worth checking in on? When she was right in front of them? They couldn't be bothered when they were off doing whatever they wanted to do during their vacations or even the month before that when they were still touring?

   She took a deep breath and reminded herself she really needed to let all of that go. She checked in with Petal, because that always made her happy, and found her baby calm and seeming to be listening intently to what was going on outside of her little garden. They could hear Hobi's laughter mixed in with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook as they played around to kill time. Every time Uncle Hobi's laugh rang clear, Petal would kick excitedly. But whenever one of her fathers' laughs or voices could be heard she would stop and listen, almost as if she knew these voices belonged to important people in her life, even if that was the first day she'd ever heard them.

  Petal heard her Uncle Hobi laugh particularly loud at something and gave a great, excited  kick with her tiny legs... and she felt it. The Muses' hand landed on her stomach and she gasped, looking at Namjoon's worried face she whispered, "I felt her. I felt her kick!"

His grin could have lit an entire country. He hugged her tightly and told her through their connection, "Tell Petal Uncle Joonie says hi."

The Muse grinned and laid her head on his shoulder as he chuckled. She felt several pairs of eyes on her, and felt their worry. But she wasn't going to concern herself with that drama when she could surround herself with the love she had for her little one.

    She was feeling warm and ready by the time they boarded the airplane. This time she was in a middle seat next to Joon, and Jimin was in the window seat across the aisle. This was going to be a hellish 11 hour flight, but she was hoping to sleep as much as possible. Lord knew she was tired enough. She took a moment to check in with Jinnie. He had woken up to have a meal on his flight. He told her about the drama he was watching and a song idea he had in mind. She told him about Petal and feeling her kick for the first time. He was over the moon hearing that, but annoyed that it was Uncle Hobi that caused it. He wanted to be the favorite Uncle and vowed to work on that.

   It wasn't long after take off that The Muse pulled out the bed and snuggled up under the blanket. It felt like she had just closed her eyes when Jimin woke her up, gently shaking her shoulder to tell her it was time for the meal. He knew she liked her sleep, but he also knew she hated to miss a meal. He looked at her with a mix of caring and caution, "They are asking what you want for a meal, Yeppeun. Are you hungry? What can I get for you?"

She sat up and rubbed her hands over her face before looking around for her water bottle.

He touched her arm again, willing her to look at him. Hoping she would look him in the eye.

Unknowingly, he had forced her to abandon her search for her water bottle to look up at him, curious about what he wanted. She held the eye contact until he let go and stood back up to look around for the stewardess, intent on getting her food.

    The Muse wanted to be annoyed, but he was trying to be sweet and didn't understand what he had done. She sighed. They were going to have to be told sometime. Her Warriors had proven themselves trustworthy with touch, and she couldn't see her husbands being any different, no matter how angry she was at them. And she didn't want another incident when one of them thought they were having a beautiful, intimate moment with her, when in truth she wanted nothing to do with them. They weren't bad men. Foolish and naive, sure. But not bad.

    She wrapped herself in her blanket as she ate her first meal on the flight. She was starting to feel cold already, and they'd only been in the air 3 hours. This travel business was stressful. Hopefully her pregnancy will be in the open on the way back so she didn't have to be so reserved and act normal. Well. Normal for her.

     She'd gone back to sleep after the meal and had slept hard until she was jostled awake by someone trying to lay next to her. She was shivering. Turning her head she saw Jimin trying to make room for himself on her little airplane bed,

"Scoot over a little, Yeppeun. You are in desperate need for touch, and whether you ask for it or not I am going to help you."  She had no choice in the matter, and even if she could have said no she didn't think she would have. She was in desperate need of touch. Even Petal didn't feel as happy as she usually was.

   The Muse made as much room as she could and tried to keep her arm around her belly so Jimin wouldn't feel the bump hidden there. He pulled up the back of her shirt, and lifted the front of his before snuggling in behind her.

"I'm just going to get some skin on skin touch like this, ok? Nothing weird, I promise. Jesus you're cold!"

His arm instinctively wrapped around her middle, and fortunately landed over her arm that guarded her secret. Jimin was content to rub his fingertips along her forearm and hum in her ear. Part of her wanted to stay awake, but she was exhausted and his warmth was the most comforting thing she had felt all day. What Min-Ho had told her was true. Her Warriors touch was powerful, but her husbands touches were what her body wanted most.

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