Chapter 19

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Jimin was the first to speak. "I am sorry." he said in a subdued voice, "I did not mean that."

The Muse nodded, quietly saying "Thank you."

Although, it made her even more happy that he didn't know about the beatings. She could just imagine his reaction, since he was already so resentful about being forced into this situation as it was.

She wondered if all of them knew what happened last night. Looking around at their faces, she guessed a few did not.

Seokjin was doing his best to not even look at Jimin, as he placed heavy blame on him for that beating. Joon and Hoseok seemed to be keeping a careful distance from him as well. That made her sad. She didn't want to be the reason for any tension with them. Just a quick look at Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook told her that they were blissfully ignorant of the situation. 

Looking at Seokjin The Muse said in her still raspy voice, "I am hungry. I think i can eat more than just a shake now, though."

"Yeppeun?" said Namjoon, "We have been talking, and we think it would be best if you didn't rely on Seokjin so much. We all need to open up to you and your presence. I know I'm not the only one that was relieved that you and he have bonded so well, and ended up going about my own business because it was the easiest thing to do."

She nodded at that, "Jinnie has been my rock." she moved to sit on his lap, laying her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. "I don't know how I would have gotten through the last couple of weeks without him and his friendship."

She felt the oddest feeling then. Jealousy? It wasn't hers. Where was it coming from, and how could she feel it?

"You finally fed your Muse," said Min-Ho's voice in her head. "The more you feed your Muse, the stronger she will be."

"What does that mean?" she thought, guessing Min-Ho would hear it. She was right.

"It means you and Seokjin fed your Muse with your... Activities this morning. You will be a better, more efficient, more powerful Muse the more you feed it like that."

"But what does the jealousy mean? I don't understand." She thought.

"Think about it, Princess. You're sitting on the lap of a man that is not one of your husbands. You have not reconnected with any of them, so they don't have that comfort, not that they know that. Do you not think that would affect them?"

"That feeling is coming for one of my husbands?" she was shocked.

"One? Princess, they all feel it."

She was still considering that when she heard Namjoon's voice " if we started tonight."

"Start what tonight?" She asked, "I'm sorry. Min-Ho was talking to me at the same time, and I missed part of what you said." she told him.

He gave her an understanding smile. "I was just saying that we are going to start alternating where you sleep and who you spend time with starting tonight. We have all agreed it's best."

"You have, have you." she stated, feeling a little annoyed. "Did you ever consider letting me in on the conversation? Not that this has anything to do with me." She sat up and crossed her arms.

She felt a wave of male panic from Namjoon. She almost smiled at it. They really have no clue how to deal with women.

"I understand you are trying to make good decisions as the leader. But, I am not just another thing for you to handle, Joon. Please just include me in conversations that have to do with me in the future." His panic calmed down with that.

"One thing we need to talk about is introducing you to the public." Hoseok said.

"Ugh! Do I have to?" she whined. They all got a chuckle out of that.

"Yes, Yeppeun. You do." Answered Namjoon. "Does anyone have any ideas? She will have to be with us when we do the award shows and red carpets. There is really no way around that with her having to be near us. But how do we endear her to Army before that time?"

"I have a thought," Said Seokjin, "Why don't we use what we have already? The internet. We can introduce her on VLive. We don't have to answer questions about her there. We have more control. I had an idea that might be fun." She and the other Warriors listened with great interest, "Yeppeun has told me that she is not a good dancer, right?" Seokjin looked at her and she agreed with a smirk on her face. "I thought we could call the segment "Blind leading the Blind", and I can try to teach her some bits of our choreography. It will be funny. It will be light hearted, and I think that at least some Army will enjoy it."

Hoseok and Jimin broke into conversation in Korean. She sighed. She really needed to learn the language. "Not really" said Min-Ho in her head again. "Once your souls reconnect you will be able to understand each other perfectly. In fact, once you reconnect with all 7 Warriors, you will be able to understand all languages perfectly."

"Are you just sitting in my head all the time? Don't you have a life of your own to live?" She asked. Grateful for the information, but annoyed with him randomly intruding on her thoughts like this.

    Refocusing on the men in front of her, she found that they all thought that it was a fun idea.

The plan was to do the first one on a night they finished their rehearsals early enough.

"The public seems pretty well split on their opinion of The Muse, so far," said Namjoon.

"I've been keeping track. Koreans, for the most part, are believers since we all grew up hearing the story of The Eight. Most others are skeptical, but accepting. There is a lot of speculation about the identities of the Husbands, too. But that's to be expected. There have been some sasaengs picketing the company. Not many, though. All in all, this hasn't seemed to affect us badly. I'm grateful for that." They all agreed with their leader, sitting in quiet contemplation.

    The Muse was looking at Namjoon in annoyance. He knew she didn't understand a word of what he just said. Catching on by the look on her face, Namjoon smiled and translated for her.

Looking around at her Warriors said reminded them, "I am hungry, though. Can we deal with that? Pretty Please??"

"Why did you only eat milkshakes today?" asked Yoongi "And why is your voice so hoarse?"

She didn't want to outright lie to him, but she really didn't want them to know about her being beaten.

"I just strained my voice. That's all," she said. "Are you hungry, too?" trying to distract him and get herself fed all at once.

"I just ate, so I'm good. I'll go get your things, Yeppeun." Seokjin said as he moved her off of his lap and stood to go.

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