Chapter 52

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Their kiss was interrupted by pounding and yelling at the door. Eyebrows scrunched down, Yoongi went to open it to see what the fuss was all about. As soon as the door was opened, he found himself thrown against the wall and held there by a very angry looking Jungkook, yelling questions about what had happened to his wife.

     Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon all ran to her, Jimin shoving his way through so he could pull her up and hold her. Tae moved behind so he could wrap his arms around her as well as Namjoon looked around the room, trying to find the source of her distress.

Joon yelled out to get everyone's attention, "Yah! Hey!" They quieted down, but Yoongi was ready to rip into Jungkook as the younger still held him up against the wall.

"Jungkookie, let him go," directed the leader.

"Not until we find out what he did to her!" Jungkook growled out and turned his head back to Yoongi. Adding extra force to his hold, Jungkook ground out "What did you do to her?"

Namjoon went to Jungkook, grabbed him around the middle, and physically moved him away from Yoongi. When Jungkook made a move in the other man's direction, Joon grabbed him again and threw him down on the bed, pointing at him and commanding "Stay!"

Once everyone seemed to have calmed a little, Namjoon looked at Yoongi and simply said "Explain."

Yoongi was red in the face, angry and agitated as he growled "I don't know what you are doing here or why you are attacking me."

"We know something happened, Hyung." Tae said from his position behind The Muse.

"We felt her terror. It was awful and scary. We all felt it and ran to help her." his arms tightened around her as she finally understood what happened.

It took some doing to wiggle out from between Tae and Jimin. "Guys. Let me out, please. I know what's happening. Please."

They reluctantly allowed her to go free. She immediately went to Yoongi to make sure he was alright, and to try to calm him down a little bit. His emotions were running rampant after being accused of hurting her in some way.

Turning to the rest of them The Muse explained,
"Yoongi has been angry with me for a couple of days, and was thinking things through. I didn't want to intrude on his thoughts and feelings. I thought it would be rude since he had been a little distant. I haven't had any touch either."

She looked down at her feet, embarrassed to have caused all of this drama. "He made a quick movement toward me, and since I haven't looked into his feelings any deeper than the anger that has been on the surface, I panicked. I was afraid he was going to throw me out of the room, and that Sejong would beat me badly again." She saw Jimin's face fall, knowing that his original actions were at the root of tonight's issues. "But Yoongi immediately grabbed my hand and I was able to see past the anger and  calm down."

Jungkook jumped off the bed and wrapped her in his arms, "You scared me so bad, Yeppeun."

She hugged him back just as fiercely, "I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to. I panicked and I caused so much drama!" The Muse pulled back and gave him a sweet kiss, trying to soothe the beast that wanted to let loose and protect her.

She pulled away from him and went around the room, giving the same treatment to Tae, Jimin and Namjoon. Hoping to allay their fears and show them that she was, in fact, ok.

She went back to Yoongi and didn't ask permission. She just wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his neck. "I am so sorry things got so far out of hand tonight. I couldn't control my emotions, and you ended up being hurt."

His arms came around her, his lips pressed to her head as he said, "I'm not hurt, Yeppeun. I'm ok."

Shaking her head she said "No. You aren't. You weren't physically injured, but I feel the hurt and pain in your emotions. You are hurt that they would consider you a threat to me."

Yoongi didn't answer. He just buried his face in her hair and took a deep breath.

"Hyung?" Taehyung stepped closer to the embracing couple, "I know you wouldn't want to hurt her. I am sorry if you feel hurt by our actions. We were only thinking about helping Yeppeun. Not hurting you."

Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair in a very Jimin like manner before coming forward,

"I'm sorry, Hyung. I was acting on instinct and you were the first person I saw. I don't think you would ever hurt my wife, and I am sorry for shoving you against the wall like that. Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

Yoongi shook his head, "I'm fine, Kook. Thanks."

Jungkook held his hand out to Yoongi, wanting to shake and make amends. In the end, he pulled the elder to him for a hug. "I'm sorry, hyung."

Pulling back, Jungkook smiled, "You'd better make it up to her, though. A lot, if you know what I'm saying." his eyebrows were flicking up and down quickly, making Yoongi smirk.

"I'm on it, Kookie. Don't you worry about that,"

The men in the room all chuckled at that.
"I think we should get back to our rooms, gentlemen." said Namjoon as he tried to wrangle her three other husbands to the door, "Yoongi hyung and Yeppeun have some things to work out, I think. And," He said with a grin, "shake Min-Ho's hand for me. That nightgown is fantastic."

Laughing, she kissed each one on their way out, making sure to touch their minds so they could feel her and know the depth of emotion she had for each one of them.

"This nightgown is what made me lose my mind in the first place." Yoongi growled in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind after the door closed. "I can see right through it. Did you know that?" she shook her head as his hands started exploring. "Right here. I noticed your hard nipples first." he caressed the hard tips, running his finger tips around and around, using the material of the nightgown to create more friction. She was starting to move her hips, trying to grind back on him. A breathy moan escaping her lips as her hands covered his, helping with his exploration. He growled and made a slurping sound as his lips touched her ear, "Do you know what I noticed next, Yeppeun?" she shook her head, eyes and hands still focused on what he was doing to her nipples.

"I noticed that you were not wearing any panties. I could see your soft pussy lips through this material." one of his hands slid down to caress her outer lips, her hand still on his as he gently massaged her through the nightgown. Her whole body seemed to be on fire. "And I couldn't think beyond your taste. I swear, I can still taste you on my tongue, Yeppeun." The Muse made a little whimper as Yoongi sent her images of licking her down there last time. Of how it felt for him to be lost in her soft, wet, flesh. Knowing that pussy was his. Knowing she was his as he made her cum. And now, he needed to do it again. He needed to show her that she was his wife, that she belonged to him, and that he would protect her and see to her needs if only she would let him.

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