Chapter 104

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They stocked up on all kinds of necessities at the store, and found a fun zip line kids toy right next to the store. Tae and Jinnie ran over to try it out as Yoongi stood to the side. The Muse snuck over and got up on the platform, wanting to try it out. Jinnie actually put his foot down and said no, making her pout at him. He had never said no to her like that before.

"It's not safe for you, Yeppeun. You know that. What if you fall?" he said before jumping on for one more turn. Tae, feeling bad for upsetting her earlier, offered her his zip line for a turn. She smiled at him for the first time in two months and hopped on the zip line. She was good, sitting down instead of standing on it, and let out a whoop of excitement as she flew down the line with the wind in her hair.

"Yah!" she heard from Jinnie, who was waiting for her at the end of the run, "What do you think you're doing! You shouldn't be doing that! You have more than just you to think about now!"

Tae came jogging over, thinking he would save the day. He thought Seokjin was being silly not wanting Yeppeun to have any fun. Was that how he's been treating her the whole time they've been separated? That made him feel even worse! He thought Seokjin would treat her well. In fact, he'd always had the impression that Seokjin spoiled her.

"Hyung! Don't yell at her like that!" Tae hadn't actually heard any of it, but he could tell from Seokjin's demeanor that he was being stern with her, "I gave her the zip line. I thought she'd enjoy it. And she did! Didn't you hear the happy sounds she was making?"

Tae came to a stop next to The Muse, facing Seokjin who was now running his hands through his hair in frustration. That was an odd mood for the elder hyung.

Seokjin blew out a harsh breath and said, "We should get going." before turning toward the parking lot.

    Running to keep up with Jinnie and his long legs, The Muse tried pleading her case, "Jinnie! Come on. It was fun, and I was sitting down. I was safe! And it was so much fun. Please don't be mad." She pouted at him playfully, hoping to get him to crack.

    Seokjin decided to answer her through their connection,

"Tae will not be so happy that he allowed you to do that when he finds out about Petal. Yoongi will be upset at you putting yourself and your child at risk." he turned to face her as he continued their mental debate, "It's not just about you anymore, Yeppeun."

Frowning, The Muse snapped "You think I don't know that?" out loud at him.

"Know what?" asked Tae, once again trying to come to her aid.

Blowing out a frustrated breath she stormed off to the car, waiting by the back door for someone to unlock it, careful not to cross her arms this time.

After they were all in the car and on their way, Tae voiced what he'd been thinking,

"What is going on with you, Yeppeun?"

"I'm tired, need touch, and probably should have used the bathroom at the grocery store." she answered grouchily.

He looked at the camera, pointed his way on the dashboard and decided to let the matter rest for the time being.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was curious and felt a little left out of the conversation.

"What's all this about?" he asked no one in particular.

"Seokjin hyung and Yeppeun were arguing about her using the toy we found, or something like that. He's upset with her and I can't figure out why. They are being annoying and using their connection to argue about whatever it is rather than say it out loud in front of us."

Tae spilled all of that out in one breath, clearly annoyed that he wasn't included in whatever was going on.

    Jinnie was still annoyed, but reached out to take her hand, using their connection to ask if she needed touch. The Muse silently nodded as she looked out the window, relieved when she felt the warmth of his hand on her skin. Yoongi had watched her face from the mirror in his visor when Seokjin touched her. He saw the relief and relaxing of her muscles. Comfort. She didn't look like that when he held her hand earlier. He frowned thinking about the way she stared at his hand and the blank look she gave him. She hadn't relaxed one bit. In fact, she almost looked more tense.

    Running a hand through his hair he decided that this was a special kind of torture. To have his wife so close, to see her every day, but to be rejected by her at every turn.

"But isn't that what you did to her?" a voice he had never heard in his head spoke.

"Min-Ho?" asked Yoongi, fully confused at the man's voice suddenly sounding off inside of him.

"Miss me?" the sassy man asked. Yoongi could hear the smirk in his voice,

"No. Not really." he answered.

"Awe! I'm pretty sure you love me and just don't realize it yet. But, back to business," said Min-Ho, "You're complaining because she turns you away. What did you do to her. Think. When you and the others broke her heart and she was forced to be with you all day every day for a month before having time to heal. When she was forced to have her heart broken day after day because all four of her useless husbands don't know how to stand up for themselves and really be men?"

Yoongi bristled at that, his pride hurt by the accusation.

"Oh, it's not just an accusation," Said Min-Ho, clearly reading his mind, "All that time to yourself and you used none of it to truly see what you've done? You're missing out on a lot, Ferocious. You won't truly understand until you take the time to learn from your mistakes."

Min-Ho left it at that, and Yoongi was lost. He was feeling so many different things at once. Hurt pride, guilt, love, need, and a ferocious need to have things the way they were before they'd fucked things up so badly.

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