Chapter 124

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The men were all in shock. The Warriors were clapping the husbands on their backs, congratulating them with strained laughs of relief and joy. The Husbands were completely in awe with the new addition to their family.

The Muse couldn't look away. Finally she had her baby up close and in her arms! Petal was beautiful. A head full of dark hair and the sweetest little features. She smiled. Her daughter looked an awful lot like her father.

The Midwife was busy checking The Muse to make sure the damage was minimal, and was completely surprised that there wasn't much to see. "You don't look like you've given birth at all! You're barely bleeding. I've never seen anything like this." She sat back, staring at The Muse like she might be a science experiment.

"It's the magic of The Muse, Doc." said Seokjin with a smile, trying to bring a bit of humor to the woman's face. When that didn't work he chuckled and continued, "No! Really! She's being healed by her husbands touches."

The Midwife was still a bit confused, but decided it was best not to ask questions. She took Petal off of her mother's chest to weigh and measure the infant before giving her back to Tae for a short sponge bath. Jimin and Yoongi had followed their fellow new Appa to watch as he gave Petal her first washing while Jungkook got their wife up and over to the shower... again. The Muse had to laugh. She can't remember a time when she'd ever had three showers in such a short amount of time.

Once Tae was finished bathing their little 6 pound 10 ounce, 18 inch peanut, he handed her over to Jimin to be diapered and swaddled under the watchful eye of the midwife. The men were terrified of this tiny human, but she assured them that they would relax and, in time, become pro's at handling all of these new and daunting things. Yoongi was stiff when Jimin kissed Petal on her forehead and handed her to him. She was so fragile. So perfect. And so very fussy.

Petal calmed right down when she was handed to the freshly cleaned Muse, and had no problem latching on right away.

"Appreciates the finer things in life, I see." said Yoongi as he sidled up next to his wife on the fresh sheets of the bed, watching their daughter suckle for her first meal, "Gourmet taste."

The Muse had to laugh at that, since the only thing she'd eaten recently was the ramyen a few hours ago. She was already asking for whatever else they could cook up for her, and was so excited to hear that Steve had gone out to get her taco's and a chocolate shake, and was due back at any moment. She was famished!

The Midwife had her paperwork out and was filling out the particulars of Petal as the little family fawned over her ten perfect little fingers and ten perfect little toes. The Muse saw that keeping this little one swaddled was going to be difficult, since all she wanted to do was kiss her little feet and hands.

Petal had let go of The Muse and sighed deep, drawing everyone's adoration at the cute little sound. They had nearly forgotten about the Midwife until she started asking questions.

"What is our beautiful little girl's name?" she asked, paper and pen in hand. Although they would more than likely continue to call her Petal, they had decided to name her,

"Jia" Jimin answered as he leaned down to kiss the baby's foot, his voice soft and melodic.

Tae had crawled up to lay his head on the inside of his wife's thigh while he gazed up at their daughter. She had taken hold of one of his fingers as soon as he had touched her hand. He couldn't believe the strength this little one had already. Nor could he believe he helped deliver her. What a rush!

"Yeppeun?" he asked, his voice soft and sweet, "Can we do that again soon?"

She had to laugh at that.

"Taehyung! Petal isn't even an hour old yet!" she took her hand off of Petal's tiny diapered bottom to run her fingers through his hair, "Can we wait just a little bit longer before we have that conversation?"

He smiled his huge, happy smile. "I can't wait to talk you into it."

Yoongi was stroking Petal's soft baby hair, smiling at how much of it she had already.

Jungkook was still behind his wife, supporting her and gazing down at this tiny human that just came out of her. It truly was a miracle.

The Midwife was smiling. She always enjoyed this part, watching the new parents fall even more in love with their child and, in many ways, each other was a beautiful gift, and filled her with such joy every time.

"And what will Jia's surname be? I will also need the Father to sign the birth certificate."

The Muse smiled even bigger, never looking away from her daughter,

"Min. Min Jia."

Yoongi let out a sound that was somewhere between a sob and a laugh. The tears fell as he covered his mouth and looked into his wife's eyes.

She smiled, love and her own tears shining on her face.

"Min?" he asked, his heart feeling so full it might burst. "Min Jia." he reached down and kissed the infant on her head before reaching up to kiss his wife. He was Petal's father. This little miracle was his. He jumped off the bed, his hand heavy and strokes confident as he proudly signed the birth certificate.

He turned to find Jimin holding the baby and taking pictures of her sweet little face as their wife found some clothes to wear. She was positive she could smell the taco's already, and wanted to be ready the moment they arrived.

Yoongi went to Jimin and smiled, wanting to hold his daughter.

Jimin smiled back, "I am kind of jealous, you know."

Yoongi nodded, "I would have been, too, if it were the other way around." he lifted Petal from Jimin and looked closely at her face before he snuggled her close to his chest. She had his eyes.

"But remember, we are all her fathers, no matter who's DNA she has." 


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