Chapter 15

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 Rehearsal went well the next day. The Muse, having nothing better to do, mostly sat on the sidelines watching. It's not that it wasn't interesting, but after watching the same routines over and over and over again, and sitting still like a good little girl for hours and even days on end, it did get boring. She wasn't even allowed a phone to play with. So, She took off those ridiculous shoes Min-Ho insisted she wear, and wandered around a little bit, saying hi to the staff, hoping if she was friendly enough they'd want to have a conversation. Unfortunately most of them didn't know much English. And the few that did weren't interested in talking to her. She was pretty lonely. Thank God Steve spoke English well. She talked to him a lot as they wandered around the rehearsal space. She liked Steve. He had no problem with her not sitting still, seeming to understand a person could only take so much.

She did sit with Jinnie, Joonie and Hobi during breaks. She had no issue plopping right onto Jinnie's lap now, and he had no issues in letting her. They'd had a conversation that morning about her starting to stay with the other Warriors so they could get close to her as well.

She was sad to not have her snuggle buddy, but she also understood that they were all supposed to be her snuggle buddies, and that needed to happen sooner rather than later.

Joonie told the rest of the members about their plans to let loose a bit that night, and that their presence was required whether they wanted to or not. He was forced to tack that on the end as there were a couple of them that wanted to do other things with their time. One in particular was very vocal about not wanting to go. It made her sad that Jimin was so angry with her. There wasn't much she could do about it as he wouldn't talk with her if he didn't have to. But she wished she could help ease his concerns.

Jungkook said he would come play, but he always avoided looking directly at her if he could help it. Maybe a little alcohol would help him come out of his shell?

Taehyung never spoke to her, but she noticed he was always looking at her like he was trying to read her mind or something. It was a little disconcerting at times. She wished he would just talk to her. She did try to start conversations with him. He would nod yes or no, but he still just stared at her.

Yoongi would at least talk to her. He was very formal and nervous about it, but he did it. She thought he was pretty adorable.

It was decided that game time would be in the suite. Everyone separated to get cleaned up first. The Muse went with Jinnie so she could bring her toothbrush and backpack along. The suite was full of food selections and drinks of all sorts when they got there. Plus, a few different card games.

Since they were the first in the suite, Jinnie pulled her over to the makeshift bar area and grabbed a bottle, "Have you ever had soju?" She shook her head no. She took the shot he offered and he held up his own, "Cheers", they clinked glasses and drank it down. "I believe they call this a 'pre function'" She gave a small giggle. "Can we eat? Or do we need to wait for the rest of them to show up?"

Jin snorted and reached for a plate, filling it full of delicious smelling food before handing the plate and some chopsticks to her. "Can I use a fork?" she asked, "I am all for learning how to use the chopsticks better, don't get me wrong! But, I'm going to be drinking. I think a fork might be safer for now." Rolling his eyes at her and admonishing her lack of chopstick expertise, he handed her a fork. They took another shot of soju, before filling a third to take to the table with their dinner.

They were still eating when Namjoon came in. He grabbed a drink, some food and joined them at the table. Jin and the Muse had just finished their dinner when Hoseok and Yoongi showed up. The Muse grabbed a deck of cards and asked if Jin wanted to play while the others ate. They took another shot of soju, both feeling very giggly by now.

She taught him how to play this simple game. She called it "Speed". Basically, you each have a pile of cards to get through. You just need to be able to place a card that's one up or one under the number on the ground in between you.

They played a couple of rounds before Seokjin caught on. Jungkook arrived by then, with Taehyung right behind him. She saw Namjoon frown and pick up his phone, apparently texting someone.

The Muse and Jin were a few shots ahead of the others. It was getting louder and louder in the room as time went on, mostly with their raucous laughter.

Jimin finally made an appearance, making his way to the alcohol and food. Namjoon finished his dinner and sat down to watch the game. Jin had now beaten the Muse a time or two, and play was getting faster.

As soon as everyone was done eating, Jin sat up and challenged her "Let's bet on this round!"

"Fine" she giggled. "If I win, I want chocolate. I see there is none here, and that's a crime!"

"Done," he said, "But if I win, I want a kiss." She had a feeling he was doing this in front of everyone to rile her husbands up a bit, but with things as they were, she was just fine with it. They could do with a little bit of "riling".

"Great. Prepare to get me chocolate, loser!" she laughed as she dealt the cards.

It was a close game. The others, sans Jimin who was still sitting at the dining table, were cheering the two on as they played. In the end, The Muse won that round. High Fives all around as she said "Make it a nice piece of cake, Jinnie."

"REMATCH! He yelled, "Double or nothing!"

Laughing she went ahead and dealt again. "I am going to have a whole cake to myself once we are done with this."

The match was intense again, there was cheering and laughter all around. The Muse was feeling good about her chances. She was pretty far ahead, until she hit a wall. She had no cards in her hand that could be played. She watched with rapt attention for the moment she could jump in and lay waste, (she was a fairly competitive person). Her opening came, she jumped to play her last few cards when Seokjin slammed down his last card. He jumped to his feet, hands in the air in front of him with his signature "aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"I'll take my winnings now, thank you," Grabbing her hand, he pulled her up and laid his lips right on hers. As it was double or nothing, he felt no guilt about deepening the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Staring on in disbelief and jealousy, the other Warriors were silent as Jin tasted their Queen. Finally, Jungkook spoke up, jumping out of his seat, "Hyung! No more!" his hand on Seokjin's shoulder. Jinnie let her go with a smile. "Anyone else want to challenge the Queen in this new game?"

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