Chapter 42

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"Do we have to go back to the hotel right now?" The Muse asked Seokjin after they left the stadium. Her crying had slowed down, but her face was still buried in Seokjin's chest,

Steve was the one that answered, "Yes, Highness. This is not a place where we are going to wander off. You need to be somewhere safe."

Her eyes lifted to his, so many emotions swam there. Steve's face softened, "It will be ok. We have you."

She understood. She knew they had her best interests at heart, and that they were not there to hurt her. They weren't there to capitalize on her. Seokjin kissed the top of her head and rubbed her shoulder, trying to calm and cajole her. She was exhausted. That rage that had erupted out of her took a lot of energy.

"Jinnie?" she looked up from his chest, "Do you have anything you still need to do today?"

Seokjin shook his head, "I don't think so."

"Can we just go to your room?" she hiccupped "Can I just go to sleep?"

Seokjin felt himself getting calmer as she settled. He didn't understand why his connection was so strong when they hadn't even been physically intimate. And, he didn't understand why no one else felt that coming. He could feel that pressure and anger boiling up from her. Why is it that everyone else froze? He wondered if it was because he, out of all of them, was the only one that had spent the most time getting to know The Muse? He could absolutely call her his best friend. He loved her and she was precious to him, but he also knew what he felt was different than what her husbands would feel for her. He knew she loved him, too. She trusted him, and always tried to take care of him as much as she was able. She truly hated feeling like she couldn't give back.

  They got to his room and she laid right in bed. Didn't even change her clothes.

"Do you want RJ?" he asked her as he reached for the soft white plushie. She took it gratefully and snuggled into the soft bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep away the day's events.

    She wanted to understand Mother Dragon and the Queen more. She knew they were part of her, like another piece of her personality. The Queen was one thing. She felt in control with The Queen. Mother Dragon was a whole different beast. The anger and rage she felt and how it was directed was intense. It's not that she felt out of control. On the contrary, she felt completely focused on her prey. She had never, in either of her lives, considered anyone prey before. But at that moment, she truly felt like a predator stalking her prey. She wanted to hurt him, she wanted him to pay for what he had done. She wanted justice.

    But she felt like understanding either of those things will take a lifetime. Her brain felt overwhelmed with everything that had happened and the tornado her thoughts had turned into sucked up the rest of her energy. Sleep was a welcome respite.

    Seokjin startled from his game when the knock on the door came. He opened it to find everyone but Yoongi looking at him expectantly.

"Where is she? Is she ok? Can we see her?" Jimin's rapid fire questions didn't give Seokjin time to answer. Jimin led the charge and shoved his way past Seokjin to get to their wife.

They way they all crowded around the bed would have been comical, had The Muse been awake to see it. Very "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", with one less dwarf.

"She's exhausted. She didn't even want to change her clothes." Seokjin said as they all looked down on her sleeping form.

Glancing around the bed Namjoon asked "You were not holding her? Healing her?"

Seokjin shook his head, "No. I was playing a game. She wanted to be alone. Or, as alone as she can be anyway."

Jimin moved to get on the bed. Taehyung held out his hand, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to hold her, Tae." said Jimin, "I hurt her. I need to hold her."

"I need to hold her, too." said Tae as he tried to climb onto the bed as well.

"Yah!" said Seokjin, "This is MY bed. In MY room!"

Taehyung looked thoughtful for a moment. "You're right." he said as he leaned down and started pulling back the blankets.

Hoseok grabbed his arm and whisper yelled "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Taehyung answered, "I'm taking her to my room where Jiminnie and I can both hold her and make sure she's ok." He pulled his arm away from Hoseok and gently slid his hands underneath his wife, intent on picking her up and carrying her to his own bed.

"Jiminnie? Can you get my room key out of my pocket please?"

Jimin tilted his head to the side and offered, "Why don't we just take her to my room? It's closer."

"Fine" said Tae as he stood with their wife curled in his arms. He looked at Jungkook, "Are you coming?"

Jungkook shook his head. He wanted to make sure she was ok, but he had a lot to work through and think about. He loved her, that hadn't changed. But he wanted some alone time to think.

Namjoon tried talking some sense into Taehyung and Jimin as they moved, but they wouldn't hear it. She was going with them. She was their wife, and in the end there wasn't an argument Joon could make that could change their minds.

Taehyung and Jimin left the rest in Seokjin's room and took her to the safety of Jimin's bed. Somewhere in all of this their protective instincts had kicked in. Their wife needed to be safe. She needed to be snuggled between them. She needed to be in one of their beds. It was very single minded thinking, and they couldn't account for their thought processes, but they knew that this is what needed to happen.

   Tae set her down on the large bed as if she would break with the slightest breath. They both carefully got her undressed before undressing themselves and snuggling in on each side.

"You know, this is the first time we've been naked in bed together." Said Tae conversationally.

"Don't make a thing of it." said Jimin who was trying his hardest to be comfortable with the situation.

"We are both her husbands." reasoned Tae, "I'm pretty sure this won't be the only time we are naked together."

That thought brought both of them into their own silent reverie as they considered what that could mean.

"Have you ever talked with her about that possibility?" asked Jimin, genuinely curious.

"No. Not yet." Tae answered thoughtfully, "But now that i'm actually thinking about it, we probably should talk with her about it. It's bound to happen sometime."

For that night, though, they snuggled into their wife and muse, and tried to show their love by just holding her tight and assuring themselves that she was ok.

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