Chapter 106

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"Left me in their care?" she asked quietly, shoulders coming down and chin rising as she stood straight and looked down her nose at Tae. "Left me in their care." she said again, slowly, enunciating every syllable. The room was small, and she didn't have to move to make him sink back into his chair.

"Yeppeun," Yoongi spoke, she felt his intention to try and calm her down and soothe the beast he knew was rising in her. Her eyes slid over to glare at him without moving her head. The side eye was enough to silence him, his eyes going wide at what he saw.

"You, warrior... husband," she sneered as she hissed the last word, "have no place to speak.

Left me in their care." she repeated, "Is that what you called it when you dumped me? Broke up with me? Left me hanging in a world where I am not allowed to take care of myself or anything around me without being beaten?" cocking her head to the side, the angry glare never changing as she finally faced off with her husbands after two months of feeling like an injured animal with no control of her world.

"None of you ever said a word to any of my Warriors about your plans to drop me and my care in their laps. They were just as caught off guard as I was that night. You made this decision that affected all eight of us without even consulting them, and you DARE challenge them?" she paused and took in the men in front of her,

"Their whole vacations were spent taking care of me while you four just went out and lived your best lives!"

"Yeppeun, you made our vacations better." Hobi said quietly from behind her, not wanting to provoke her further, but wanting her to understand she wasn't a burden to them, "All of us enjoyed having you with us."

"I know we didn't do much," added Jinnie, "but I liked having you there." he half smirked when he added, "even if I did play video games most of the time."

"I loved having you with me, Yeppeun." added Joonie. "My family loved having you there, too! Your presence added to our vacations. I wouldn't have had it any other way."

The Queen turned her head and gave a genuine, sweet smile to her Warriors before her eyes turned to steel and turned to face her husbands again.

"It's funny, isn't it?" she mused, "My Warriors treat me so well. They love me and care for me. Accept me. But all FOUR of my husbands turned their backs on me the moment it got a little rough. With absolutely no input from me, I might add."

Jungkook took a quick breath like he was about to speak, but with one hard look from his Queen he wilted back into his chair and dropped his eyes to the floor.

"You were all I thought about Yeppeun! All of us felt empty without you." Jimin piped up, emotion in every word.

She chuckled, "Everything you thought about." she repeated slowly. "Was I all you thought about as you traveled the world with your friends Park Jimin? While I was eating cake and watching netflix in my pajamas all day at Jinnie's apartment and you were bar hopping through Paris, Hawaii and Russia?" she couldn't' help the condescending laugh that left her lips then, "All you thought about." her gaze returned to Tae, "Was I all you thought about as you traveled all around Korea and enjoyed your time with your family and friends, Kim Taehyung?" his gaze remained on the floor in front of him.

"Was I all you thought about while you worked, Min Yoongi? You even went fishing with Jinnie. You were together for an entire day and you never once asked about me or how I was doing even though you knew damn well I had been with him and he would know about my well being."

Her glare slid over to Jungkook, who seemed to be sinking into his chair,

"Or, my personal favorite. Was I all you thought about when you went on a date with another woman, Jeon Jungkook?" her laugh held no humor, "That was a particularly great day. Really and truly knowing how highly my husband thought of me."

She took a moment to look from man to man before she continued, "We have been separated for over two months now, and not once did any of you use your connections to check on me. Say hi. Find out how I was doing. Nothing."

Hobi took her hand and kissed her fingers before laying them on his cheek. He felt her pain and anger and wanted to soothe her in some way. The Queen allowed the affection, drawing strength from the touch.

"Not one of you took me into consideration. All four of you have said in the last two days that you will fix what's broken. That you can make it right. But it seems none of you actually understand what you did wrong. Let me enlighten you a little. Make it easier for you, despite how you've treated me." her voice was quiet, not quite cruel, but not filled with the warmth they were used to from her,

"You left me. You said you had no choice. That I am a distraction that cannot be had. What really happened was that you allowed your managers to run your lives for you and were not man enough to stand up for your wife. For your family. You laid down and showed your bellies like weak men instead of the alpha warriors you are supposed to be." they all looked at her, pride hurt by her words.

"You look at me like victims." she snorted at them. "You gave me absolutely no say. We did not have a conversation about all of our thoughts and feelings. We did not try to come up with solutions together. You let your managers make a huge decision about our lives without even considering me or my thoughts and feelings about it. You were not man enough to protect me when I needed it... When I needed you the most."

Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to speak, "I... I did. I did connect with you Yeppeun."

The Queen gave him a disbelieving look.

He ran his hands through his long, fluffy hair, "When we all started having dreams with you, I realized we had to be connecting in our sleep. I remembered you napped a lot while we were in Japan, so I kept peeking in and figured out what time of day you seemed to nap the most and would consciously connect and join your dreams during the day."

With that, The Queen melted away, and The Muse was left, staring at him, remembering everything that had happened in those dreams. Everything he had said and done.

He looked at her, tears shining in his eyes, "I did think about you, Yeppeun. I didn't know how to fix what we did. I still don't. But I was there. I held you in those dreams. I loved you in those dreams. Do you remember?" He stood, hoping to get close to her, "Yeppeun?" he held his hand out to her, wanting desperately to make things right.

The Muse stood staring at Jungkook, tears flowing down her face. He had been there. He had held her. A sob ripped from her chest. She didn't want to cry. She wanted to be mad. But the hurt and exhaustion of the last two months seemed to weigh down on her, and she felt like she might drown.

Jungkook moved toward her and she jumped back, falling into Hobi's lap. She was overwhelmed and wanted to escape.

    Jinnie, her Misdirection, stood and pulled her up from Hobi's lap. He hugged her tight as the others watched. Her head was in the crook of his neck as he reached down and grabbed her legs to wrap them around his waist. There was nothing sexual about it this time. He just wanted to hold her and take her away from the pain. He carried her down the hallway, away from the Warriors and husbands, and took her to his room. He closed the door and held on to her as he sat on the bed, letting her cry it out until she was ready to lay down. Once again, she slept with a tight hold on RJ as Jinnie held her and kept her grounded, his touch healing the hurt and easing her into a blissfully dreamless sleep.

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