Chapter 25

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That night, Jungkook let Passion have control. And Passion had been without his wife for 200 years. He was insatiable, taking her on every surface that room had to offer at least once. Even holding her up against the wall at one point, her legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed as far inside her as he could. It went on and on like that throughout the night. Jungkook figured out early on that he came when she did, and having the added benefit of having their minds and souls connected made it that much more intense.

    As the sky outside was starting to get light, The Muse was laying on top Jungkook, her head on his chest, and he started thinking about how he never wanted to let her go. That she was his, and he didn't want to share with anyone else. He knew that was impossible. That he had 3 other husbands to contend with. But he really shouldn't think about it that way. They were his Hyungs, he knew them. He loved them. Maybe if he took a picture, he would be able to look at it when he missed having her with him? Jungkook reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone. There was just enough light in the room to provide what his photographer's eye would call a 'romantic glow'. Setting the phone to selfie mode, he took a photo from the side, almost bed level. His happy face, and her blissed out face clearly visible. Nothing naughty. Except that they were very obviously naked and in a bed.

    The Muse felt him moving around a little and opened her eyes, seeing what he was trying to do. She smiled for the second picture. Then, as he tried to take the third, she leaned up to kiss his jaw. He kept snapping pictures as she moved up even farther to kiss his lips. He had no clue how, but he was hard again. As he kept trying to take pictures of them together she moved just enough to take him inside her. That was when Jungkook dropped his phone on the bed, his hands moving up into her hair so he could control the kiss. Rolling her onto her back, Jungkook took his time making sweet love to her. They were connected by skin, mind and soul. The world around them seemed to melt away, and they felt like they were the only people on earth. They were so connected, so intertwined, that they couldn't tell where one of them ended and the other began. They were one. Passion and His Queen.

   As their climaxes neared, Jungkook tried not to chase it. He wanted this to last forever. He could only think of one way. He wanted to immortalise her beauty in this moment. Commit it to memory and be able to see it whenever he needed her and she wasn't with him. He wrapped his arms under her knees and pulled them up to her chest so he could thrust as deep as possible, picked up his phone with one hand and took pictures as he brought them both to climax. Her head thrown back, and a self satisfied smile on his face. They were pictures that he would cherish.

   They finally fell asleep in each other's arms after that. Sleeping well into midday.

The Muse woke to a groan of pain from her husband. Picking her head up from his shoulder, she looked at his beautiful face, "What's wrong?"

Jungkook grimaced and laughed at the same time, "I found some new muscles I never knew I had. Ow." as he moved his legs.

She chuckled, kissed his lips sweetly and said "Poor baby."

He just shrugged and said "I regret nothing. Are you hungry?"

Nodding, she sat up and stretched. "Odd. You're sore, but I feel great. You'd think with all that pounding you did I would hurt a bit today." Smiling mischievously at her Warrior she added, "Now there is a fantastic part of being a Muse that I can get behind!"

She felt more energized than she had since she'd been brought to them. And, she was in the greatest mood, too.

"It's the sex" laughed Min-Ho in her head.

"Ugh, Jesus. Not now. I'm in a good mood. Please don't ruin it." She thought back at him.

Looking at Jungkook she said, "Do you want to order food while I take a shower? I'm a bit of a mess."

"Sure," said Jungkook with a gleam in his eyes, "You know, I don't think we've done it in the shower yet."

"You're injured!" She laughed.

He stood and stretched his arms over his head. She couldn't help but admire his naked form. She could tell that her thoughts were written all over her face when his smile took on a very naughty edge.

"No!" she yelped as she ran for the bathroom "Order me food, damnit!"

Jungkook laughed at her and ordered their food. He stretched a little and decided to challenge himself. One orgasm before breakfast got there. Rolling his tongue inside his cheek, he strutted to the bathroom to find his wife.

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