Chapter 66

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Summer Package meant they had projects to do even when they weren't shooting pictures. The Muse was able to stay out of the way of the cameras, but still partake in the fun. She made rice wine with Yoongi and Hobi, and got to make her own kite. They weren't able to fly the kites because of the rain, but they still came out really pretty and were fun to make.

   Steve arrived the morning after her rain dance.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, tone full of surprise, "I thought you had some time off now that we are back in Korea?"

"Well, Highness," he smirked, "It seems the managers think that you are a bit of a handful and need someone to make sure you behave."

She rolled her eyes at that.

"Did you remind them that you are a security expert, not a babysitter?"

Steve laughed out loud at that, "Yes. I did."

The Muse let out a loud, dramatic sigh, "It's so stifling with these managers sometimes."

"What's stifling?" Jimin asked as he came up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her middle and setting his chin on her shoulder.

"The managers." she pouted as she leaned her head onto his, "They brought Steve all the way out here and interrupted his perfectly lovely time off so he can babysit me."

Jimin smiled and kissed her cheek, "You are a little bit of a handful." one of his hands slid back around and grabbed a handful of her bottom.

She giggled at him and leaned a little harder into his frame.

The loud voice of one of the managers calling him pulled Jimin out of the little mini cuddle with a sad little pout on his lips. He gave her a sweet little kiss and caressed her cheek before heading back to work.

With Steve on hand, The Muse was back to sitting in the background behaving herself. Sort of. He did let her wander around within her parameters, but he wouldn't let her dance in the rain. Honestly. Who did it hurt? She stayed well out of the way when they let her wander free out there. She thought she was more of a distraction sitting in front of them while they recorded.

   They took a lunch break, and the managers allowed her to sit with them while they ate. It was mostly because she couldn't get the food herself, but she was still glad. The managers were really irritating her on this trip. She didn't want to complain to her Warriors at the moment. Maybe once they were back at the dorm or somewhere private they could all talk.

Her Warriors were in a bit of a rowdy mood that day, and spent most of lunch making fun of each other for this and that. The Muse frowned when the topic turned to very personal things.

They made fun of every little physical imperfection they could find on each other. She thought it was nothing but mean.

"I swear to God," she snapped, "If any of you speak to any of my children that way, we will be having words."

It got silent around the table.

Jungkook leaned across the table toward her, "It's ok Yeppeun. We are just playing with each other."

Shaking her head, she said "No. You're not. You're picking each other apart and saying terrible things that go along with some ridiculous version of beauty standards you grew up with, as if there aren't literally millions of men and women around this planet that think each of you is the most beautiful person they have ever seen. Imperfections and all."

They all fell into a thoughtful silence as they finished their food and were, once again, hustled back to finish their schedule for the day.

   The whirlwind that was their life had them in Busan a few days later to prepare for the Muster. Well, one of them. This was the first stop. The next would be in Seoul.

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