Chapter 89

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Jinnie and Steve picked The Muse up from Namjoon's apartment the day before they were to fly out to New Zealand. Seokjin wanted to get some shopping done, and thought she'd enjoy the adventure. She loved to watch how he picked out clothes. Half fashion sense, half 'will it cause Hobi to cringe'. They had a great time with a lot of laughter and fun, plus they were able to meet with his parents for lunch before heading to a few high fashion maternity stores. 

    One nice thing about how Koreans Idolize their celebrities is that stores like these keep their clientele by being extremely private and discreet. It was quiet in the boutique, but nice as they picked out a couple of outfits for the trip. They even found a comfortable but cute outfit to travel in that hid the bump pretty well.

    Although The Muse did remind Jinnie a few times that she would be raiding his hoodie stash to keep warm while they were abroad. Plus, the hoodies hid the belly and she would be bringing her collection of leggings. She'd be damned if she was going to be forced to wear fancy dress clothes when they were going to be camping and hiking around New Zealand.

    They picked up dinner and headed back to the apartment to make sure they were all packed and ready. As she took her prenatal vitamins for the night she thought about finally winning her argument to use a midwife instead of a regular hospital. It took some serious talking, but in the end the 'I'm the one giving birth, here' card made the three of them pause long enough for her to give the puppy eyes and add a little extra guilt to win her cause.

"I know your husbands will have an opinion about this!" said Hoseok, arms crossed as he tried to dissuade her decision, "I know Yoongi, for one, will have a major problem with this idea."

"Yoongi can be unhappy all he wants." The Muse said with a roll of the eyes and shrug of her shoulders. "In fact, he will be lucky if I decide he can be present when she is born. On that note, I have a question for you three. Actually, I think it may be more of a request."

The three Warriors looked on, plainly curious what sort of request she could possibly make of them.

"You all know too well how hard my life has been ever since Sejong brought me to you." the three Warriors nodded cautiously, "And my husbands leaving me, dropping me in your laps with no care of the consequences. Like their word is set in stone. Like what I say, think or feel doesn't matter in all of this. Even if they want to resume our relationships once they find out they are going to be fathers, I would like to stay with you three. For the time being, anyway. I understand I will have to return to them at some point. I know I have no say in my future. But, I don't want to go back to them. Not yet, anyway."

Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok all looked sad, but understanding as they nodded.

"They are good men, Yeppeun." said Namjoon, "They will not want to shirk their responsibilities."

The Muse snorted at that. "Responsibilities. That's all I really am now. Just another thing to deal with."

"They all love you, Yeppeun." Hoseok said quietly, "I know they will not be able to stay away from you once they see you again."

She sighed, not really wanting to argue. "Can I stay with you, Hobi? Jinnie? Joonie? Will you allow us to continue being in your care for the time being?"

All three Warriors reluctantly agreed. Although they wanted what was best for their brothers, they also understood that Yeppeun needed time. And they were glad they were able to be there for her and Petal in their time of need.

     Jinnie was also completely entertained with the idea that Petal could hear him, and was not about to let Hobi walk away with the "Favorite Uncle" title. He spent their night singing her silly songs and telling stories in silly voices, which entertained Petal to no end.

     The Muse stood on the flower path, watching her daughter react to her uncle. It was precious to see Petal pause and listen intently as he'd say something, and then flail her arms and legs excitedly when his voice hit a certain pitch. She was so happy and was absolutely loving this new voice that was playing with her.

"She loves her Uncle Jinnie." The Muse told him with a smile.

"I am now the favorite." he said in a very matter of fact tone.

"I don't know about favorites," she laughed, "but she definitely loves her Uncle Jinnie."

They made sure to get as much skin touch as possible that night. Not to mention the intimate touch. Jinnie did not sleep much that night, but he wasn't too worried about it. He could sleep all he wanted to on the plane. He had to stop and stretch on occasion, to The Muses' great delight.

"I don't have to stretch. You heal me even as you're pounding into me." she smiled and laughed at him as he complained about making sure he didn't pull a hammy.

A thought seemed to pull him up short,

"You know, maybe I shouldn't be pounding into you so hard, Yeppeun. I don't want to hurt Petal. And orgasms cannot be good for her! All that squeezing." he shook his head, admonishing himself for not thinking of this earlier.

The Muse watched Jinnie with a lot of affection and humor, "Jinnie? I'm fine. Petal's fine.

In fact, orgasms are like an amusement park ride for her. Doesn't hurt a bit. She thinks they are fun. And so do I."

She was up on her knees eyeing her prize as he continued to stretch out some of his recently used muscle groups.

Laughing, he turned his back on her, "Yeppeun! I'm delicate!"

It didn't take much coaxing to get him to climb back in bed. His Queen needed touch to make sure she and Petal were happy and healthy for tomorrow's journey, and as her Warrior, it was his job to take care of her needs.

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