Chapter 59

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SeokJin woke up before The Muse, her head on his wide chest, soft breaths blowing across his skin. He had to smile. He'd heard from the others what a life changing experience it was to reconnect with her. But, really, just meeting her had been a life changing experience for him. It was he who stepped up to take care of her in the first place. He spent the most time with her. They had grown so close in such a short amount of time. They already had their own private jokes, and he had told her more about himself that he had anyone else.

    Even though she needed to be taken care of physically, she went out of her way to take care of them all mentally. She brought down anxiety, relieved depression, and relaxed stress. She inspired and cared and loved. She had really brought them to the next level, even if she hadn't realized it yet.

     Seokjin trailed his fingers up and down her spine as she slept, thinking about how he really felt now that he had reconnected with his Queen. The two of them had spoken often about his not being a Husband, even though she was closer to him than she was with any of them. But they both agreed that their relationship was different. They loved each other. Cared for each other. But it wasn't the kind of love and care one would have for a spouse. Even with the physical intimacy, it still felt like they had a special relationship.. Just not a romantic one.

      That said, Seokjin was very content and happy waking up after the night they had had together. He smiled at the memories as he stared at the ceiling. It was fun to make her scream like that. He'd have to do it again soon,

      She stirred, stretching her arm up around his neck and nuzzling her face into his chest as she yawned.

"Good morning." she heard in her head.

"Good morning, Jinnie." she replied, eyes still closed and a serene smile on her face.

She felt complete. It was an odd sensation she'd never really felt before. She had this hum of energy that ran from her, out in seven directions. It felt like she was providing nourishment to her Warriors, and was also being fed by them in return.

She sighed a deep, happy sigh. The only thing that could make this moment better would be chocolate.

"Do you think we can have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, Jinnie?" she sent him, still enjoying the quiet comfort of his heartbeat against her temple.

Chuckling, Seokjin answered out loud, "It's concert day, Yeppeun. I need to keep my girlish figure for the camera's."

Looking up from his chest, she drew circles around his pectoral muscle and batted her eyes at him, "Please, Jinnie. Chocolate will make this whole morning even more perfect than it already is."

Jin brought his hand up and twirled a lock of her hair with his long fingers as he smiled down at her. "How about we have a healthy breakfast, but get you a chocolate treat to go with your coffee? Which, I might add, is already chocolate flavored."

The circles she was drawing around his chest stopped for a moment as she considered his proposition. After a moment she nodded in agreement, and went back to drawing circles around his chest, narrowing them down to his nipple. Seokjin's whole body jerked when she flicked the hard tip, his hand dropping the lock of hair he was playing with to run down her naked back.

"Careful, Yeppeun." he said with a good amount of humor, " You'll wake the beast."

"The beast?" she murmured, her hand trailing down his stomach, "is that what we are calling this guy now?"

Laughing, he grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips for a light kiss,

"Not today. I have a headache."

She laughed with him, knowing he needed to keep his energy for the concert and not for another run romp around the hotel room.

"Fine." she said as she leaned up and kissed his chin, "Order me breakfast then, Warrior. I'm taking a shower."

Checking in with all of her Husbands and Warriors took most of her shower time, but they were all up and excited for today's show. There was a fair bit of anxiety here and there as well, but she supposed that was to be expected with an endeavor as big as this. But she had all of the confidence in the world in her Warriors. All they had to do was what they did at every concert she'd seen so far. They were incredible on stage.

Min-Ho had left her a pretty, flowy purple dress for the occasion. Thankfully he kept the heels down to basic pumps. She hated it when he forced 4 inch heels on her when she had to make her way around a stadium.

Yoongi surprised The Muse and joined them for breakfast. It made her morning even better to have her Husband with her. She had to keep reminding herself that she wasn't supposed to strip him naked and do every naughty thing she could think of to him today.

Today is concert day. Today is concert day. Today is concert day.

Maybe if she told herself that over and over again it would finally sink in.

She did end up in Yoongi's lap, though. She couldn't help herself! He was so cute sitting there with his coffee, and she knew he needed her to cover his face in kisses, whether he realised it or not.

Yoongi was enjoying the affection, and was having a difficult time keeping his hands off of her ass. Once she moved to straddle him in the chair, though, Seokjin had to step in.

"Yah! It's concert day! None of that." He chuckled as he pulled The Muse from her Husband's lap, a pout clearly visible on her face.

Yoongi stood and gave her a soft kiss, "Later, my love. It's almost time for us to go to Wembley Stadium."

She felt his anxiety rise when he said it. Moving closer, she wrapped her arms round him and looked into his eyes in search of his heightened fear. It wasn't hard to find. In fact, the fear and anxiety about the shows was right on top and was growing bigger as she looked at it. Before it could truly take him over, she took it and made it a little smaller, paying close attention to his reactions. Yoongi was watching her in wide eyed wonder as she continued to take his anxiety down a little at a time until he was feeling calm and serene.

Reaching his hand up, Yoongi tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear, "You are more than I could ever have dreamed of, Yeppeun."

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