Chapter 76

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The three Warriors stared at her, stunned at this news.

"What?" Namjoon was completely flabbergasted, "You're what? NO."

"Can we leave, please?" she turned back into Seokjin, "Please? I don't want to be here anymore. Please?" She was all but begging him to take her away. Away from this dorm. Away from these people. Away from this life she was forced to live.

She didn't want to be here. If she could, she'd just leave. Never come back.

"Do they know? About the pregnancy?" asked Hoseok as he rubbed her back, trying to calm her cries and her pain.

"I gave them the envelope." she sniffled and hiccupped, "It's addressed to them. Now, it's up to them to open it."

Seokjin ducked into his room and grabbed what he needed before taking her back from Hoseok. Hobi and Namjoon made plans to meet them at Seokjin's apartment before he led her out of the dorm.

The Muse noticed in passing that her husbands, or maybe she should call them the rest of the warriors, were still in the living room as they left.

    The entire trip to Seokjin's apartment was a blur of tears and misery. She couldn't even tell you what kind of car he drove by the time they got there. Luckily they didn't run into anyone, so she didn't have to pretend to feel anything other than the devastation she was working through as they made their way from his car to the door of the apartment.

     Seokjin, for the most part, was quiet. He didn't really know what to do or say that could help in this situation, so he just held her hand. From the dorm all the way to his apartment building, he held her hand. From his car to the elevator, he held her hand. From the parking garage up to his apartment, he held her hand. He held her hand until they were securely inside and he could pull her into his lap on the couch.

    He held her until she finally calmed down. Her muscles relaxed and her breathing evened as he rubbed his hand up and down her arm and back, speaking soothing words and kissing her forehead, wanting to fix it but knowing he couldn't.

    He didn't know what those guys could have been thinking to do something like this. They all loved her. He'd watched them from time to time, he'd seen how they all looked at her as if she hung the sun and the moon. None of this made any sense. And he was sure all hell was going to break loose when they found out about her being pregnant. None of them would run from their responsibilities. That thought brought him up short. He had always seen Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook as responsible boys that would take care of what needed taking care of. But now that they have left their wife, their Queen, in such a way... knowing the limits set on her by Sejong and the ridiculous structure the managers have forced on her, he wasn't so sure.

   Not to mention the bit of resentment Seokjin was fighting. He loved his Yeppeun, she had become his best friend and confidant, but for them to just push her care onto himself, Namjoon and Hoseok without a word to them was incredibly rude. Something like that should have been discussed as a team.

     Namjoon and Hoseok arrived shortly after, and sat as close to her as they could with her being in Seokjin's lap. Each man was trying to provide some kind of solace.

   The Muse popped up off of Seokjin's lap so quickly it made his whole body jerk with surprise and the other men jump back in their chairs.

"Min-Ho!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Min-Ho! I know you can hear me! I need you!"

With that, Min-ho appeared. He looked wary and a little tired as he sat on one of the leather chairs across the room from them, "What's up, Princess?"

"Why?" she demanded as the tears started streaming down her face again, "Why would Sejong do this now? He made it clear I would have babies when he decided I should. Why would he do it now, when everything is so up in the air and not settled? Why do I need to bring an innocent little one into this mess of a life I have right now?" She was pacing in front of her brother, demanding answers she was sure he didn't have. Mostly, she just needed someone she could take her frustrations out on.

Min-ho was mumbling to himself and rubbing his hands over his face in agitation.

"What?" she snapped at him, "I can't hear you."

"I said 'not this shit again'." he sighed and leaned forward, his arms on his knees as he covered his face as stress seemed to tense up his entire body.

"Don't." he said, looking back up at her. "Don't ask me to do it again. I don't think we could pull it off this time."

The Muse stopped for a moment and looked at Min-ho, thoroughly confused, "Do what? What are you talking about?"

He looked up at the ceiling and leaned back in the chair, "These fucking guys. When will they learn?" Min-ho seemed to be talking to himself.

The Muse turned to look at Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok, even more at a loss than before.

With a deep breath, Min-ho stood up and walked to her. He grabbed his sister's hands and looked into her eyes,

"It was things like this that drove you to leave 200 years ago. It was their inability to care for you, their neglect, that hurt you to the point that you wanted to leave. You begged me to take you away to a place neither they nor our father could find you, so you could live in peace and hopefully find your happiness." His grasp on her hands tightened and a tear fell as he spoke, "I was forced to... end the life you had, and take your soul to another place where Sejong couldn't feel it. I knew he would assume you would stay close to Korea, so I took you over the big ocean to a large land he rarely journeyed to. I've watched your soul over the years. I knew you weren't complete without your Warriors, but I also remember the agony and pain you were in when you begged me to take you away."

Min-ho reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek, "When Sejong found you again, I was relieved. Finally, you could come home. And maybe, just maybe, your Warriors may have learned a lesson. Maybe this time they would cherish you as they should. I was hoping with the restrictions Sejong placed on you they would take their rolls as your Warriors seriously and learn to treat you like the Queen you are. Obviously, my hopes were too high." he cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead, hoping to bring a little peace to her broken heart.

"I asked you to take me away? So, really, it was me all along?" she was shocked. In the end, all of the restrictions placed on her by Sejong now were her fault. She did this to herself.

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