Chapter Two

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Taehyung looks out of the window as I drive down the dark streets, only glancing back over to me every so often when we reach a red light or stop sign

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Taehyung looks out of the window as I drive down the dark streets, only glancing back over to me every so often when we reach a red light or stop sign. Music quietly plays through my speakers and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that his heads bobs in tune with the beat making me smile to myself.

"For you not to know me, you sure do trust me right now," I joke as I pull onto the interstate.

He looks over at me with a smirk and raised eyebrows, "Do I have any reason not to?"

He wasn't the least bit worried about where I was taking him. It was like he already trusted me fully for some unknown reason. Then again, here I was driving off with a random guy I just met.

I shake my head, "No, but do I have any reason not to trust you?"

He smiles and brushes a hair away from his eyes, "I promise to be a gentleman."

I pull up to an empty parking lot overlooking the ocean and turn the car off. Reaching down, I pop the trunk and proceed to open the driver's side door. Pausing as I swing one leg out, I look back at the passenger seat and quirk my brow.

"You coming?" I ask as I step out.

Taehyung follows my lead as he observes me grabbing a couple of spare blankets that I keep in my car and we make our way to the sand. Reaching down, I pull off my sandals and gesture for him to also take off his socks and sneakers. The moonlight glistened over the calm water as soft waves crash onto the shore. I find a spot in the middle of the small secluded beach a few feet away from the water's edge and shake out one of the blankets to lay it flat. Sitting down on the black and white striped blanket, I tap the empty spot next to me to suggest that he can sit down as well.

It was dark and a little chilly. The way the gentle gusts of wind blew the pieces of dark hair around his face made him look like he was starring in his own movie. I have to force myself to look away to clear my mind and to stop myself from staring too long.

"Are we going to get in trouble for being out here?" he wonders, nervously looking around even though there wasn't another soul in sight.

"No, I come here a lot when I need to think or just want some alone time," I admit, smiling over at him as he finally decides to sit next to me.

"Oh. So this is like your... happy place?" he inquires.

I never thought about it that way, but I guess it was. Any time I'd get angry or sad, I would find myself coming here. From the moment I got my driver's license, I would somehow end up in this same spot whenever I got stressed out. No one had actually even come here with me before, not even Madison knew about it. So, why did I feel so compelled to share this sacred place of mine with him? A complete stranger that I somehow feel totally calm with.

"I guess you could say that it brings me peace," I stare out to the moon straight ahead as I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them.

He stretches out his muscular arm to grab the other matching blanket and proceeds to wrap it around my shoulders.

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