Chapter Eighty-One

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That evening, I went home alone and told Ethan I'd see him at work tomorrow. He wasn't too thrilled with me not spending the night with him or vice versa, but I honestly feel the need to at least talk to Taehyung and I can't do that with my boyfriend around. I'm not going to be able to figure out my feelings if I don't spend time with both of them and not figuring it out at all wouldn't be fair to Ethan anyway.

As soon as I walk into my apartment, I pull out my phone and scroll through my contact list to the K's. I hover over his initials and take a deep breath before pressing the call button.

"Yeoboseyo?" Taehyung croons and his voice sends a shiver through my spine.

"Hey, what are you doing right now?" I sound much more seductive than I thought I would.

"Hmm...just relaxing on the couch...all alone." He flirtatiously pouts.

I giggle at his playfulness and squeeze my thighs together, trying to calm myself down. He knows what his voice does to me. Hell, I know what his voice does to me. I should have texted...why didn't I text?

"Are you at Uncle Kim's house?" My eyes stare daggers at my car keys temptingly dangling from their hook on the wall.

"Mmhmm." He hums. "Want to come over?"

"Yep. Be there in less than an hour." I quickly blurt out as I hop up off of my seat on the couch.

He chuckles, "Drive safe gongju."

"I will." I giggle and hang up the phone.

It's not like I was planning on going to see him tonight, but I feel compelled to. My heart and mind are pulling me in his direction so strongly that I don't even care to change out of the form fitting heather gray knee length pencil skirt and white button up I wore to work today. He saw me in it earlier anyway.

By the time I pull off of the interstate into the sleepy little town I grew up in, my mouth is dry and the butterflies in my stomach have at least tripled in quantity. My hands shake as I grip the steering wheel and I squeeze my thighs together to try to stop my legs from anxiously bouncing. I'm excited, nervous and scared all at the same time.

This is it. I'm going to be spending one on one time with him. In the house where we fell in love. No one around for miles. I'll just need to let Ethan know I'm okay so he doesn't get worried about me. Even though he thinks I'm at home.

A pull in my heart begins as my conscience eats at me, but it seems to fade away as quickly as it came the moment I pull into Uncle Kim's driveway.

Opening up my car door, I inhale deeply and clear my throat a few times before testing out my shaky voice to make sure I don't sound so brittle. After a couple of tries, I nod and step out, shutting the door behind me with my purse clutched tightly in my hand.

I raise my arm to begin to ring the door bell, but lower it quickly when I hear the chain begin to unlock and exhale once more to steady my nerves.

The red door slowly opens to a handsomely smiling Taehyung also still dressed in the white button up and black slacks he had on earlier. The top two buttons were undone and an expensive looking watch adorned his left wrist along with the matching ring I still currently wear on my own finger.

"Welcome back." He smirks and steps back, opening the door up for me to step inside.

On shaky legs, I take two decently sized steps forward and step out of my heels to leave them by the door. He grins as he sees my height shrink before him, lowering me at least three to four inches.

The words he said only solidified the feeling of being back where I belong and I don't even think it's the house. I feel whole when I'm with him. I feel at ease and like nothing else matters.

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