Chapter Twenty Eight

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I stir awake to the feeling of fingers gently running through my hair while soft kisses pepper my cheek.

"Good morning gongju. Happy Thanksgiving." His deeper than usual morning voice croons in my ear.

"Mm," I smile sleepily and reach up to run my hand over his toned arm, "happy Thanksgiving handsome."

He continues to leave sweet and appreciative kisses along my temple and cheek while still playing in my hair. I smile when his scruff tickles my skin and he hovers over me to kiss my lips.

"You're still my favorite in the morning." He smiles down at me and I push the hair back from his eyes.

"You're my favorite always." I lift my head to leave a kiss on his nose.

He pouts and sits up to stretch above his head. I fold my arms behind my head to enjoy the view that I'm so blessed with, soaking up as much of it as I can. He looks down at me and chuckles at my expression before standing up to go get in the shower.

I ease off of the bed and slide on a pair of leggings and a hoodie and make my way to the kitchen to grab me something to eat. Since it's Thanksgiving, I opt for an apple and some oatmeal. I'm not sure if we're even going to have a traditional Thanksgiving meal, but I know how much these men can eat normally so either way, I'm sure there will be a bounteous amount of food. So far I've avoided the Freshman Fifteen and I don't plan on putting it on now.

I opt to sit on the bar stool at the kitchen island and pop in my earbuds to listen to some music while I eat and my legs swing underneath me. The morning sun was bright today with a autumn crispness coming through the open window as I watched birds perch themselves on the patio furniture. I smile to myself as I look out at the back yard remembering when he gave me our couple rings and how neither of us have taken them off since that day.

With my hearing impaired, I'm suddenly shaken from my fond memories with the smell of warm, freshly clean skin and a kiss on my forehead. I turn around, removing one of my earbuds and see him standing at the refrigerator in a clean pair of sweatpants and the waistband of his boxer briefs showing at the top with no shirt along with dampened dark waves. How is a human like him possible? How am I lucky enough to have him as my own?

He looks back over to me and smiles when he sees me staring. "What? Like you've never seen me shirtless before."

"Doesn't mean I'll admire it any less." I wink and turn the music off on my phone.

"So this is my first American Thanksgiving. What do you do?" He asks as he takes a bite of my oatmeal.

"Well, there's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade we can watch on television, football, cooking, making desert, but since we didn't go grocery shopping beforehand, we probably won't be able to buy anything to cook." I explain as I see Uncle Kim join us in the kitchen.

"Good morning you two. I'm actually having it catered today. I don't know how to make it and you shouldn't have to fuss with all of the cooking on your vacation." Uncle Kim says smiling at me.

"Thank you, Uncle Kim. One year I'll make it for you two." I thought about telling him how it wouldn't have been a big deal for me to do it since every other year my mother and I would do all of the cooking anyway, but he already placed the order so I let it go.

My smile begins to fade as I think about how this is the first Thanksgiving away from my mom. Screw my dad, but I do miss my mother. I grab my phone and send her a quick text to wish her a happy holiday and wish her well. She doesn't communicate with me much these days and I'm not sure why. As I hit send, my phone starts dinging with on coming text messages wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving and Taehyung smiles as he places his chin on my shoulder to read them with me.

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