Chapter Eighteen

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"Ava! Ava!"


"Yes sir, she's still breathing."

Uncle Kim?

"Ava, baby...wake up."

"Taehyungie, did she eat today?"

"Yeah, she had breakfast and lunch."

"Yes sir, both meals."


"Is she allergic to anything?"

"No. She had told me she wasn't."

I finally feel the blood rushing back to my face and my heart slowing down. A ringing begins in my ears and then fades back out as a cool sensation rushes back over my body.

"Baby, what happened? Are you okay? Don't scare me like that!" Taehyung holds me tight to his chest as he sees my eyes open but it takes me a second to get the energy to hold him back.

I'm on the bedroom floor still. He's holding me in his lap and rocking me back and forth.

Get yourself together, Ava.

"She just opened her eyes. She seems okay. Okay...we'll wait for the paramedics." Uncle Kim says to whoever he's speaking to. 911 maybe?

I'm not even fully aware of what's happening or what happened. The last thing I remember was crying uncontrollably and my chest hurting. Uncle Kim came back inside, I think? What happened then?

"Ava, sweetie. The paramedics are on their way to check you out. How do you feel?" Uncle Kim says sweetly to me as he crouches down beside us, the phone call still connected.

"I..." I have to clear my throat, "I'm okay, I think. What happened?"

"We're not sure. Uncle Kim came back inside to find his wallet and he said you just fainted." Taehyung studies my face as he speaks to me.

"Ava, are you sure you're not allergic to anything. Taehyungie said you ate today." Uncle Kim asks.

"No, I don't have any allergies." I say sitting upright.

The paramedics knock on the door and Uncle Kim walks over to answer it and leads them into the bedroom where I'm still sitting on the floor in Taehyung's lap.

"Hi Ava. My name is John. How are you feeling?" The nice middle aged man asks as he squats down in front of me and holds a light up to my eyes.

Another paramedic applies a blood pressure cuff to my arm and it begins to squeeze me.

"I think I'm okay. I heard I fainted." I answer.

He nods. "That's what we were told. What were you doing before you fainted? How did you feel?"

I look over at Taehyung and then back to John. "I was crying. My heart hurt and it was really hard to breathe. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't breathe right. Then my vision got blurry. I guess that's when I fainted."

Taehyung closes his eyes as if he's trying not to imagine that happening to me.

"I see. How's her blood pressure?" He asks the other paramedic.

"It's not high. A little bit on the higher end than normal at first but when I just did it again, it seems to be steadying." The lady undoes the blood pressure cuff and wraps it back up to put in her bag.

John stands up and looks at me and then to Taehyung and Uncle Kim.

"It seems like she just had a panic attack. She said she was crying. Is she under a lot of stress right now?"

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