Chapter Four

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I open my eyes to the late morning sun beaming in through the sheer white curtains over his large window. Netflix had long since cut off and the house was quiet except for Taehyung's soft snoring.

He's laying next to me with an arm and leg draped over me and his face nuzzled into my neck. As cute as he looks sleeping so peacefully, I really need to use the bathroom and I remember seeing one last night right outside of his bedroom door. I slowly pick up his heavy arm and lower it to his side and gently ease his leg off of me so that I can slip away undetected. Grabbing my bag, I tip toe out of the door, quietly shutting it behind me.

The bathroom was large, much like the rest of the house. The light beige painted walls were accented by white tile and bright vanity lights along with a couple of small plants and wooden shelving to add a touch of decoration and bring life into the otherwise stark room. It was more like a mini spa than a bathroom. If this was supposed to be for guests, I'm curious as to what the master en-suite bathroom looks like!

After I relieve my bladder, I wash my hands and wash my face before deciding to dig in my bag to fish out a travel sized hair brush and a small makeup bag I keep with me.

I brush out the knots in my hair and smooth the ends with a bit of lotion that's kept on the counter next to the hand soap. I look under the sink to see if there's anything that could help me out and find a small basket full of single unopened toothbrushes and travel sized toothpastes. Thank God! Morning breath would have been so embarrassing.

I quietly open the package, dispose of the trash and begin to brush my teeth. His uncle really makes sure that his guests have what they might need and I'm so thankful for that in this moment.

After adding a bit of mascara to my lashes, I also run some brow gel through my eyebrows to tame them, dab a bit of concealer under my eyes and smack on a bit of lip and cheek tint to try to liven up my face. It may not be my best work, but it'll have to do.

I take one last look at myself and add a bit more lotion to my hands and arms before deciding that I'm as decent as I can get.

Grabbing my bag, I exit the bathroom and head back to Taehyung's bedroom, slowly twisting the door knob to not disturb him. I keep my eyes trained on my feet like that will keep them quiet as I step inside and close the door. As I look back up to the bed, I see him sitting up rubbing his hands in his hair.

"Oh, good morning." I say cheerfully which makes him jump and look over to me, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"I thought you might have left when I woke up and didn't see you or your purse." His voice was raspy and his lips pouty.

I can't help but to smile at how almost sad he looked. Was he upset because I wasn't there or was he just still tired?

He holds out his arms for me to come to him and I begin walking over as if he summoned me, setting my bag back down on the dresser on the way over to him.

I crawl onto the bed and he wraps me in his arms, pulling me to lay next to him. He doesn't say anything for a moment and neither do I as we just lay there looking at each other. He smiles at me when I boop his nose and give him a wink. That's when I realize how truly comfortable I am with him right now. I no longer feel worried or insecure about myself. I'm just allowing myself to be in the moment and I begin to feel a sense of pride in myself.

"When do you have to leave?" He quietly asks.

"In a little while. I should go home and shower." I inform him.

He pouts and stretches his neck to kiss my lips, "Are you busy today?"

I shake my head, "No plans."

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