Chapter Forty-Four

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"What's something not many people know about you?" Ethan asks cracking open his third beer.

The chilly breeze keeps me from getting too drunk, but the buzz is definitely feeling stronger.

"What's something not many people know about me?" I repeat the question in my head before answering to really think of the answer. Well, there's the obvious...I'm into some kinky sex, but that's too private and I'm not trying to put those thoughts into his mind. What could I say? He already knows I hadn't dated before Taehyung and I'm pretty sure he could guess that I'm trying to learn Korean.

"I stole a car once." I raise my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders as I take another sip.

"Stole a car?" He repeats, his eyes wide and tone louder as he questions what I just told him.

I nod, "The end of tenth grade. I hijacked the student driver car to take Madison and I to McDonald's during lunch."

He laughs at the thought of a cheap car with a big Student Driver sign across the back and sides being hijacked by some hungry teenagers.

While it may not be as daring as some kids, with my father being a police officer, it was pretty risky. He had just had one of his episodes where I was nothing but a piece of shit again and I was rebelling in the only way I could think of at the breaking the law. Madison, of course, was all for it and even offered to pay if I actually went through with it. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't get caught and didn't end up going down a horrible path.

"What about you?" I ask. "What's something not many people know about you?"

He takes a moment to think about it, placing his hand on his chin and looking up to the ceiling. His soft, yet chiseled face illuminated by the glow of the fireplace. There's not a sound between us as he thought about it except for the cracking of firewood and faint music still being played in the background.

"I was stabbed once." He smiles and takes a sip.

"Stabbed? Where? How?" My eyes grow wide at the news while I take another sip from my bottle.

"In my side. It sounds cooler than what happened." He giggles. "I was a teenager, around fifteen. A group of us were messing around with some knives like a bunch of idiots and I got pushed into one. It didn't stab me extremely deep, but I have a scar from it. I usually lie and tell girls that I was in a fight with a gang banger when I visited Los Angeles."

I laugh at the truth and finish swallowing the sip I just took before I set my bottle on the table.

"Okay, let's see it." I gesture for him to show me.

"No!" He laughs and starts to blush. "It's not even that cool."

"Nuh uh," I giggle and gesture more dramatically, "you've got to prove this!"

He rolls his eyes and stands up, his balance a bit wobbly from the alcohol in his system. He lifts up his sweater and pulls out his muscular arm to place the material on his shoulder, his white T-shirt underneath still keeping him concealed.

"It's really not that big of a deal. It's just a..."

"Nope!" I cut him off, shaking my head and clapping my hands twice to tell him to get on with it.

He nervously laughs and his cheeks turn bright pink as he turns his torso towards me so that I can see the scar on his right side as he raises up his white shirt.

His defined abs being the first thing I notice. The man has a super good looking body, I'll give that to him. But when he steps a bit closer so that he can point out the scar, I see the vertical gash, healed by raised skin. Clearly he didn't have stitches like he should have.

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