Chapter Seventy-Eight

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"Good morning beautiful." Ethan croons as he sees me walking out towards the kitchen from my bedroom to grab a cup of coffee. My heart stings with the guilt of knowing I kissed another man just last night.

And not just any other man - the man.

But when my boyfriend showed up after working late last night, I couldn't just tell him to go home. He did nothing wrong and he has no idea that my heart is even more conflicted than before. Maybe I shouldn't say anything to him until I know who I should be with, because if I choose Ethan, then there's no point in worrying him. But if I choose Taehyung...

I'm going to break Ethan's heart.

"Morning." I give a tight lipped smile as I make my way to the coffee waiting for me on the counter.

I turn around, sipping on the hot liquid and see Ethan looking at me. My eyebrows raise while my eyes search for anything else to look at, doing my best to avoid contact. How can he not read the guilty words written all over my face? I saw them plain as day in the mirror this morning.

"Come here." He softly says, holding out his arms for me.

I walk over, setting my coffee mug down on the kitchen island and let him wrap his arms around me while I wrap mine around him. Fuck, this sucks. I had full intention of giving myself to this wonderful man and now I may end up leaving him for Taehyung and losing my friend in the process.

Or do I walk away from Taehyung and stay with Ethan? He's been so amazing. More than I could ever deserve. My heart is so torn right now.

"What's wrong, Ava? Talk to me. Is it Taehyung?" He questions.

My eyes widen and my heart pounds furiously as the sound of his name, "What?"

"Are you having those dreams again?" He looks at me worriedly.

Right. Those dreams. The dreams he's aware of. That's all he knows.

Taking a deep breath, I try to decide what to say...what to do. Do I lie? Do I say that I'm fine like every female does, hoping that their man doesn't catch on to the fact that they're not actually fine? Who am I kidding? Ethan knows me better than that and that line never worked on him anyway.

"Ava?" He asks, jolting me out of my thoughts when I took too long to respond.

"Just feeling a bit tired this morning." I smile as brightly as I can.

"Do you want to stay home today?" He nuzzles his face into my neck and the scent of him fills my senses. How do I choose between them?

"Maybe I should. I could use some rest." I lie...again, knowing damn well I wouldn't be able to rest if I wanted to.

Lifting his head back up, he smiles fondly at me and kisses my forehead, "Get some rest. I'll see you after work then. I need to go home and get ready for work today."

"Okay. Have a good day." I smile sweetly in return.

"Thanks babe." He slips off of the bar stool and pulls me in for a tighter hug. "I love you."

My heart stings. "I love you, too."

Leaning down, he presses his lips to mine and although it feels just as sweet and heart-warming as ever, I feel like shit knowing my lips have not just been on his anymore.

Standing in the kitchen, I watch him walk out and give him one last wave goodbye before I sigh out in exasperation. This isn't me. I wasn't in love with anyone before Taehyung and now I'm in love with two men. Who am I? How do I do this? How do I make this kind of decision?

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