Chapter Fifty-Five

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I begin to stir awake to the feeling of warm, soft lips on my cheekbones and temples. The warmth of his breath and body next to me keeping me content in the chilly hotel room. His long fingers run through my hair to give him access to my shoulder as he does his best to gently wake me.

I'm fully conscious, but why on earth would I let him know that and stop him from freely giving all of this affection? When we lived together, mornings like this were a common thing. Not to say I took it for granted, but not being able to wake up to this every day anymore certainly made me appreciate these moments even more.

"I know you're awake." He smiles against my shoulder, but continues to plant kisses.

"Mmhmm." I groggily reply before clearing my throat. "So?"

Turning on my back, I smile up at him with eyes that will barely open. He chuckles at my fatigue and peppers kisses along my jawline and lips, only aiding to the difficulty to find the strength to actually get up for the day.

But when a knock on his hotel room door makes my heart damn near fall out of my body, all the energy I'm looking for suddenly appears.

Crap! I'm going to be the one caught by one of his parents this time. It won't be him trying to steal my virtue, it'll be me being the little American whore willingly giving it away.

The fact that I'm actually willing to is beside the point.

With Taehyung being partially on top of me, I push him off as hard as I can and make a beeline for the only semi-hidden place in this room.

The closet.

Even though that's where he was caught hiding in my room, I'm hoping that they may not suspect that I'd be the one hiding like I'm on an episode of Cheaters.

"Jagi..." He says through a barrel of laughter, "baby, baby. It's okay! It's just room service."

Reaching into the closet to pull me out, he's barely able to hold back his giggles. Especially when he sees my disheveled bed head and overly round eyes with dilated pupils.

"Room service?" I murmur, beginning to giggle myself with my heart still feeling like it will beat out of my chest.

"Yeah babe. Just room service." He starts to calm down with his smile refusing to leave his face as he smooths out my hair and kisses my forehead.

He opens the door so the hotel staff can wheel in the white cloth covered cart with three covered dishes on top.

I feel like an idiot, but oh well. At least he got a good laugh out of it. Even if it was at my expense.

He tips the employee and smiles back at me while he pulls me to sit down to eat. "My parents texted me saying they were going out for breakfast before we fly out. We're good. I told them we'd just have breakfast together in one of our rooms."

I smirk and shake my head at his little idea to keep our slumber party a secret. It may not be the best plan that one has come up with, but we won't be caught and that's all I care about.

After breakfast, he walks me back to my room so that I can get all of my things packed. As much as I loved our little short vacation in London, I do actually miss Seoul and wonder if Jimin and Jungkook enjoyed their time off as well.

The long flight back to Seoul yesterday wasn't so bad. Since Taehyung has school tomorrow, he ended up sleeping most of the way to try to fight the jet lag before it can set in. Unfortunately, his school doesn't get as much of a holiday break as I do but at least I'll still get to see him whenever he's not in class.

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