Chapter Nineteen

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Over the last couple of weeks, Taehyung and I agreed to stop counting the days and enjoy our time together instead. Although, it was much easier said than done.

During the days, we would hang out, watch movies, play games, go places, just talk and goof around. Every night we would give ourselves to one another physically, taking our time to be in the moment.

And as amazing as it was, it became suffocating when things would become quiet and he wasn't in my presence . I no longer had the distraction of his handsome face or his contagious laughter or his warm touch. I no longer could overload my senses with good things to overshadow the inevitable.

Late at night when he was sleeping soundly, I would quietly cry myself to sleep and when he thought I wasn't paying attention, I would see him wipe away his own tears throughout the day.

It was slowly killing us and we both were trying to be strong for one another.

"Taehyungie and Ava, I need to talk to you both for a moment." Uncle Kim says as he knocks on the bedroom door.

We both look at each other and then put down the playing cards we had in our hands.

We walk into the kitchen where Uncle Kim was seated at the table. He waves us over and gestures for us to have a seat.

"I haven't been wanting to bring this up, but Taehyungie, I have your plane ticket. You'll be leaving in nine days. Ava, you start school in eight, right?." Uncle Kim looks at me with his eyes full of sympathy.

I nod, unable to speak through the knot forming in my throat. Especially when Taehyung grabs onto my hand underneath the table as if he's hanging on for dear life.

"I will have to be out of town this week, but I'll be back to take you to school, okay? We'll both be sure that you're settled in." He gestures between him and Taehyung.

I nod again as tears begin to form.

He sees my solemn expression and grabs my other hand that was resting on the table. "You're not alone, Ava. I promise."

I try to swallow my emotion as I shut my eyes but the tears stream down my cheek.

Taehyung pulls me into his arms and I feel his wet tears touch my forehead.

"I'm sorry you two. But look at the bright side, you two get a whole week to yourselves." Uncle Kim smiles and we fake one in return.

He sighs out as his failed attempt, "I'll be leaving here in about an hour. I love you both."

"We love you too." We answer almost in unison.

Uncle Kim excuses himself and heads back upstairs, leaving us in the quiet room, only the sound of the air conditioner and refrigerator as noise. We look at each other, unsure of what to say.

Taehyung looks down and grabs my hand bringing my ring to his lips as he kisses it tenderly and looks into my eyes.

Forever Yours

I grab his and return the sentiment. We may not be able to say what we feel right now, but sometimes words aren't needed.

This is one of those times.

We stay there in complete silence until Uncle Kim calls out to let us know he's leaving. After wishing him safe travels and promising to keep the house well taken care of, we shut and lock the front door and look at each other.

Without even thinking, I jump onto Taehyung's waist and crash my lips onto his. We move together at an eager, yet passionate pace. Our hands travel over each others bodies as if we needed to touch every part all at once.

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