Chapter Forty-Eight

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The next nine days went by surprisingly fast since I kept myself busy with learning as much Korean as possible and making sure I had everything packed along with school. Uncle Kim had me come to his house again last Saturday to help me with my pronunciation while we ate some more Korean dishes he made for me. He figured it would be best since he didn't want a restaurant to be a distraction. Taehyung didn't join us for that session since he had his own exams to study for this time, but he did call me right before to wish me luck and remind me to not stress myself out about trying to be fluent so soon.

His own English seems to be improving as well with talking to me and taking a course for it. Every time we talk, I hear his accent become less and less obvious. Even though the noticeable change is making him happy, I kind of miss his mispronunciations and the cute way he would say certain things. By the time he graduates, he probably won't even sound like the Taehyung I first met at the party who clearly had a thick accent just by introducing himself.

"Do you have everything? Your passport, identification, all of your clothes and shoes, personal items, presents...and of course my surprises?" Taehyung asks during our video chat the night before my flight.

"I do. Will I be meeting your family right away or a few days later?" I stand back and try to decide what to pull out to wear on the flight and for when I land.

"No, you'll meet them Christmas Day when we go over to their house and then on the 31st, we'll fly out to London." He explains as he smiles at me trying to choose an outfit.

Emma is already gone for the holidays along with Madison and Megan. Most of the dorm is actually pretty quiet with classes being done for the winter break. I'm really glad Taehyung is taking a break from studying to talk to me because it's super lonely and kind of creepy around here. Like I'm walking around some old abandoned and haunted university. Especially with that one flickering light in the elevator no one has fixed yet.

I hold up a pair of his favorite skinny jeans on me and a lightweight burgundy sweater to go underneath my camel colored pea coat, "Would this be okay?"

"Yeah jagi, that'll be perfect. I see you chose my favorite jeans on you." He smirks noticing my little effort to impress him.

I bashfully nod and set the outfit across Emma's perfectly made bed to avoid any wrinkles.

"I fly out at two in the morning, my time, right?" I grab my plane ticket to verify the information.

My eyes skim over the section that notes I'd be flying first class. While I told Taehyung it wasn't necessary, I'm ultimately thankful since it will be the longest flight I've ever been on.

"Yeah and you're supposed to be here at five in the evening the next day. God, I can't wait! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself." He offers me a wide, excited boxy smile that makes my heart flutter.

"I know!" I squeal with my own enthusiasm. "I should probably go ahead and get something for dinner and get to sleep since I have to be up so early."

He nods while sucks in his lips to form a straight line, trying to hold back his smile, "Text me before you board. Saranghae, gongju."

"Saranghae...oppa." I tease him after learning the new term on Saturday during my lesson.

"Ugh, I hate that Uncle Kim taught you that one." He laughs.

"I know you do." I giggle. "See you soon!"

"See you soon beautiful." He kisses his ring and holds it up to the camera and I do the same before ending the video chat.

My stomach growls so loud that it's almost embarrassing. I hadn't eaten once today and my body feels like there's a big gaping hole in it. I finish looking over my belongings to make sure I'm not forgetting to pack anything before leaving to go to a new sports restaurant I had been wanting to try anyway. I might as well treat myself since I'll be eating alone anyway.

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