Chapter Twenty-Six

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I stand up and turn in my paper to my Art History professor as I get ready to walk out of my last class for the day. Tired from the week, I was welcoming the upcoming break from school and the extended days off from work with open arms.

"Hey, Ava. Could you stay after class for a moment?" Mr. Roberts calls out to me as I pass by.

I turn and sit at the desk in the front row near the exit. I'm not sure why he's asking to see me. I have almost perfect grades in his class and passing all of the others.

After the last student left, Mr. Roberts comes over and stands in front of me.

"I wanted to see you because I've noticed that you've been looking very tired lately and I wanted to make sure you weren't overwhelmed. You're one of my best students and I don't want to see you start failing one day just because of your exhaustion." Mr. Roberts furrows his brow at me as he speaks showing genuine concern.

"I'm okay. I just need to try to get more rest. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'll have a few days to give myself a break. I promise to get some sleep."

He nods. "If you need to take less classes next semester, don't feel guilty about doing so. College is hard."

"Thank you Mr. Roberts. I'll keep it in mind." I smile and stand up, grabbing my backpack from the floor before I leave.

I get back to the dorm and decide to type out a text to Taehyung. I hadn't heard much from him in the last week and I was starting to get discouraged. Besides simple and short texts with minimal words, not even one video chat or random photo, I had zero contact all of the sudden. Maybe he decided to move on. Maybe he found someone else and he just didn't know how to end things with me.

I feel like you don't want to
talk to me anymore. If I did
something or if you want
to end this...just
let me know. My heart
can't take not knowing

I stare at the text message, noticing how he hasn't even read it yet.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

3 hours.

No matter how many times I pick up my phone and check it, I'm still left on unread. I throw my phone down and continue to pack my duffle bag for the next couple days at Uncle Kim's for Thanksgiving. I sigh out knowing that if it is over between us then I lose Uncle Kim too. No one would want their ex around their family constantly.

How? How could he be acting so distant to me all of the sudden? Like I just no longer mattered. Like he doesn't miss me?

An hour later, my phone dings with a notification and I grab to check it. Sighing with fear of what his reply may be - if it's even him.

Taehyung ❤️:
Ava, I love you

I mean, at least he finally responded. But what kind of answer was that to my text? He didn't say if he still wanted me or if I'm going crazy or if all of it is true. I'm still just as lost as I was when I sent it four hours ago. He could still love me but not want me anymore. Maybe the long distance got to him.

I don't even respond as I throw my phone into my purse and snatch up my duffle bag in frustration.

I drive with the music blaring to try to mute my own thoughts but I swear my shuffled playlist is purposely trying to hurt me by the music it's choosing to play and since my phone was in my purse in the backseat, I couldn't reach to change the music unless I pulled over. No, I'd rather just get there.

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