Chapter Forty-Seven

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"I know you want to buy more conservative clothes but if you wanted to buy some sexy lingerie for me, that'd be nice too. But nothing expensive since I'll probably end up ripping it off of you anyway." Taehyung's voice drops a few octaves as he whispers into the phone. His breathy baritone voice making me wet on his command. He definitely knows what he's doing to me.

"I can hear you, you freak!" I hear his roommate, Jimin, scream at him in the background.

"Jealous!" Taehyung yells back to him.

I giggle in embarrassment. How would I have stayed there anyway? What would we do, kick Jimin out every night?

"Don't worry baby. I have a few secret surprises in store for you." I purr back to him.

"Like what?" He excitedly asks with sex still laced on his voice. I love how flirty he gets when he's horny.

"It wouldn't be a secret surprise if I told you." I giggle.

"Give me a hint."

"To which surprise?" My smirk rests on my face as I think about what all I plan on bringing.

"You choose." His voice even deeper. He's so needy and it's so tempting to tease him as I get dressed for the day.

"Mmm..." I damn near moan on purpose and I hear his breath hitch, "something furry and metal."

"Furry and metal?" He repeats, confused.

"You'll see." I tease.

"How many more days?" He pouts.

"A week and three days." I smile looking over at the calendar on the wall with the day I fly out circled a few times in red and adorned with heart stickers.

"Just quit your job, do online only classes and move here. I'll take care of you."

He says this at least once a week and even though he knows what I'll say, he continues to try.

"Baby." I sigh out.

"I know, I know. You don't want to rely on a man and the classes you have to take can't all be done online." He huffs out.

I can bet money he rolled his eyes the entire time.

"I love you!" I pout.

"I love you toooooo!" He cutely says back to me.

Madison and Justin walk through the door both laughing about something I'm not aware of. I tell Taehyung that it's time for me to go and that he should get some rest anyway since it's already past two in the morning where he is.

"Jaljayo." I croon with a smile.

"You learned a new word!" He proudly gushes over the unexpected phrase. "Good night gongju. Forever yours."

"Forever yours." I smile and kiss the phone before hanging up.

"Ready to go?" Madison smiles after I end the call.

"Yeah, just let me throw my hair into a messy bun." I grab a hair tie off of the desk and flip over my hair to gather it all at the top of my head, leaving wispy strands to softly frame my face.

I grab my bag and keys and turn to Justin to give him a hug, "thanks for jumping my car and for your help yesterday."

"You're welcome." He hugs me back.

When I turn around, I see Madison smiling at us. I had never approved of who she's dated before like I do with Justin and it makes her so happy to have my support.

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