Chapter Fifty-Three

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Over the last couple of days before we all take the family vacation to London, I've gone shopping with his mother, had a family dinner at one of his dad's restaurants, had a sweet date night with Taehyung at Han River, and played video games with the guys.

To say I was having the best vacation I've ever had, the best Christmas I've ever had, would be an understatement.

This was everything to me and my cheeks cursed me for the amount of exercise I was making them do from smiling so much.

"Do you have everything?" Taehyung asks wheeling his own suitcase to the hotel door.

"I believe so." I look around once more and double check that we both have our passports before we head down to the car.

The flight took about ten hours and while it's still a long flight, having Taehyung there and being able to sleep soundly for most of those hours made it go by smoothly.

By the time we landed, I was well rested and definitely felt like I'd be able to stay up until midnight to bring in the New Year with my boyfriend.

Welcome to London, England

I read the large sign outside of the airport as Taehyung, his parents and I all walk out to catch a taxi. Since we would have been squished in like sardines, we end up taking two different ones. Taehyung and I try to hold back our smiles at the news, excited for the alone time we haven't had together.

Out of respect, the most we've done since we met up with his parents at the airport in Seoul was hold hands. I wouldn't dare kiss or make out in front of them and neither would he.

His parents assume we're not having sex until marriage. And even though we lived together and they know that bit of information, Uncle Kim told them that I had my own bedroom upstairs and we were always supervised.

A long stretch of a lie from my favorite uncle.

So it was no surprise when we were told that we'll have our own separate hotel rooms as well. Neither one of us were happy about it but it was expected and we did our best to look indifferent about the situation to not give ourselves away.

The moment we climb into the taxi cab and Taehyung tells him which hotel we need to go to, our time alone together wasn't one that we were going to pass up.

Taehyung slides the plexiglass window shut for at least some privacy for our conversation and immediately pulls me in for a kiss.

"It was so hard to not do that all day." He smiles and runs his thumb over my bottom lip before kissing me again.

"I know." I whisper as I move to quickly kiss along his jawline.

"We're going...out. Tonight." He does his best to formulate his sentence while I nip and suckle along his sensitive neck. "There's...a club...that allows...eighteen year olds and plus it''s New Year's Eve."

"Yeah? Sounds fun." I seductively say as I take his ear lobe between my teeth.

"Baby..." he pants, " don't be mean." He chuckles, obviously getting too worked up from my teasing.

With being around his parents in one way or another or around his friends, over the last few days Taehyung and I haven't been as physical. Even kissing and small touches have been far and few between. Since we'll be pulling up to the hotel in mere minutes where his parents are waiting for us, we both know that nothing can happen beyond a quick make out session.

"Sorry." I smile and run my tongue over my bottom lip while sitting back.

"Oh hell no. I'm not about to be the only one flustered." He wiggles his eyebrows with a playful grin and pulls me back into him to tease me and leave me breathless.

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