Chapter 1 // Wrongs and Wallets

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My uncle pointed a grimy finger at me. His face was all twisted in a strangled smile. He always had this one particular vein in the corner of his forehead that always popped out whenever he got mad. It was close to exploding right about now.
"Out, out, out!"
He pointed out the door.
"I've had enough of you!"
"You're just going to throw me out onto the street?!"
"No problem. All your bags are already packed. NOW GO."
I started walking away, muttering to myself.
"This is New York... Jeez... You can't just throw a kid out onto the street... IN NEW YORK!"
I went into my room. A small suitcase and an electric guitar I had won at a fair and my favorite hat were sitting on the bed. I grabbed them and poked my head out of the room. My uncle was still standing in the doorway.
"Ready? Okay now get out!"
"How can you even do this? What would my mom and dad say?"
"Kenzie --"
"Your mom is dead and your father for some reason hasn't come back from his business trip, FOR THIRTEEN YEARS. Their opinions have no say in this. Now out the door."
"This is ridiculous. But I'm not complaining. I'd love to get out of this dump."
I looked at the apartment one last time. As I stepped out the door, a sly smirk tugged on the ends of my mouth. This would be the last immature, wrong thing I would do here. Quickly I tapped my uncle on the shoulder, ducked as he turned his head, and pulled a fat wallet out of his pocket. I ran.
I walked and walked until I realized I pretty much had no money except a secret wad of cash I kept in the pocket of my hoodie, and not to mention my uncle's wallet. It was a good thing it was summer and school didn't matter right now.
After a while, I got tired of walking towards nothing, and sat down on the street. I fished out my mini amp and hooked it up to the guitar. I placed my hat in front of me, glanced around furtively, and started to play and sing.
At some point, people began to gather around and sing along. A man whispered in an oddly familiar voice into my ear.
"You're good, kid."
And he dropped some money into the hat and sauntered off.

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