Chapter 41 // Fabulousness and Fines

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"Sooooo... Is that it?"
"What?! No. Of course not. I have much much mucho MUCHO to say!"
The seven and everyone groaned.
"She always does this!"
"Get ready people."
"This is gonna be a looooong speech."
"Ya know, she--"
"EXCUSE ME! You should be worshipping me right now, considering--"
Everybody said, rolling their eyes.
"Kenzie, my dear. Come here."
I glanced at the table.
They nodded.
Aphrodite gave me a big hug, squeezed me for a really long time, and then patted me on the back.
"Marshall, my dear boy."
Same thing.
"Hunter. Son. This is the first time we are meeting?"
Again with the hugging.
"You've grown. Mwah."
"Marshall. Hunter. Come up here. Stand in front of me. Face the crowd."
Marshall and Hunter walked up to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite snapped her fingers.
Suddenly, everyone changed. And by that, I mean everybody looked amazing.
I mean, even though everybody was in a fresh plain orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, they looked gorgeous.
"Thank goodness. I was starting to get sick of your appearances."
"Wow. Subtle much?" Leo said.
Aphrodite glared at him.
"I MEAN, uh um, thANK yoU! Right guys?"
Nobody said anything.
"Oh! Um YES y-yes of COURsE! ABSOLUTELY!"
"You guys are hopeless..."
Annabeth said.
"Aca-scuse me? What did you say, Chase?"
"You heard me, Jackson."
"Noooo I really didn't. I couldn't hear anything over my fabulousness."
"Oh yeah?"
"Fine. We'll settle this later, back at my cabin."
Percy said, sticking his tongue out.
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"Oooooh, how are you gonna settle it??"
"Shut up."
I glanced at Marshall and Hunter.
They grinned.
It was nice seeing people ship something else for once.

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