Chapter 18 // Selfies and Smooches

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"Ugh. Sure. Whatever. Your butt is SO beautiful."
Hunter jogged over and knocked on the Apollo cabin door. A girl opened the door.
Hunter barged past her and into the cabin. The girl gave me a look like, 'What's up with him?' And before I could answer, she gave me another look like, 'Aww he's your boyfriend isn't he?'
"Yeah no."
I barged past her.
"Hunter! Where are you?"
"Over here teddykins."
Hunter had managed to wrangle up the whole Apollo cabin. I pushed through the crowd standing around him.
"Alright everybody that can play an instrument, stay. Everybody else um. Please leave."
Only a few people left the crowd.
"Alright everybody that thinks I'm hot, raise your hand."
Some of the girls sheepishly raised their hands.
"Okay babes. Who wants to help my friend Marshall in exchange for a smooch on the cheek and a selfie?"
They fangirled.
"And guys. I'll teach you how to get girls to be like that."
One of the guys called out, "Puh-lease."
"Okay then leave. Cuz I KNOW I'm hotter than you. Right girls?"
They fangirled again.
After we found people that would help Marshall, Hunter started taking selfies with the girls and talking with the guys.
"Okay Hunter. I'm leaving. Um bye."
"Bye teddykins."
And then he made a sexy look at the phone.
I stopped at the Hephaestus cabin and talked to Leo, who was doing something with Calypso. Calypso and I had gotten really close.
"Yeah, yeah. Sure Kenzie. I'll do it. Cuz I'm a great guy."
He said, making a face at Calypso.
"Ya know. I literally died and then came back to life, crash landed on an island to save Calypso, and you know what she said? She said, 'I LOVE YOU LEO VALDEZ.' The SuperSized McShizzle has a way with the ladies. I'm telling you."
"That's a lie."
Calypso kissed him to shut him up.
"Woah. Little kid here."
Calypso made a face.
"Please. Who is it? Is it Hunter or Marshall?"
"Oh my gods. People. Can you butt out of my life?"

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