Chapter 34 // Kisses and Knockouts

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It was a good kiss.
I think. I don't know.
But I think it was good enough for the shippers because they kicked us out of the room after that.
"WAIT. What about Marshall? Let him go."
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. And there were sounds of angry yelling.
"....Do you hear that?"
"No duh. Look."
Oh yay. The Marzie shippers are here.
Wait. Slow down. SLOW DOWN. STOP!
Hunter picked me up and started running away. But there were A LOT of Marzie shippers.
Hunter tossed me away onto the ground and he got swept away.
Someone tackled him and some of the Marzie shippers stopped to beat him up.
The rest flooded into the room and carried Marshall outside.
Meanwhile, Hunter was getting beat up.
"Ow! What is wrong wi- Ow! Jeez! I get it, I get it. Ow! Stop! Not there, not there. Ow! Son of a- Ow!"
And while that happened.... Some of the Marzie shippers surrounded me.
The clunked me on the head and I blacked out.
Not again.
I woke up strapped to a chair.
Hunter and Marshall were also strapped to a chair on either side of me.
They seemed to have already woken up.
"Hey Teddykins."
Marshall gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I put my hands out and grabbed theirs.
"What's happening?"
"We're not sure. But the Marzie shippers fought off the Hunzie shippers."
"And then they took off with us and knocked us out. So I think we're in Marzie territory now."

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