Chapter 10 // Flirts and Fails

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"...Boyfriend and girlfriend?"
Awkward silence.
And of course, Hunter has to ruin everything.
"Of course we are!" Hunter says, wrapping his arm around me, turning his head towards me, and leaning in, eyes closed.
"Um NO we aren't."
I stepped away. Hunter stepped closer.
"You know you wanna."
It was true. I did.
Wait what?!
Hunter stood there, smiling innocently.
"No way."
"Come on."
That handsome ugly face leaned over again. Hunter wiggled his eyebrows.
"Go ahead. Slap me."
'Fine. I will.'
"No thanks. I'm trying out this new thing where I don't TOUCH TOTALLY UGLY PEOPLE."
Marshall's cracking up. Hunter's looking good.
Again, what?!
For a second, he look offended. Maybe because his mom was Aphrodite. And then he gasped, put his fingers on his chin, ruffled his hair, smirked, before making his move.
"UGLY people?! Have you looked in the mirror lately? But I don't blame you. If I looked like that, I would toss my mirror out the window. And I LOVE my mirrors."
He looked me up and down, with a mocking disgusted playful face.
"Hey. YO. How do you guys even do this? I mean you've been exchanging insults and flirts for like an hour! We have to go get ready for Capture the Flag, ya know."
"Fine. Wait.... Aca-scuse me? Flirts?!"
Marshall said nothing.
"Okay. Whatever."
I spat, sticking my tongue out at Hunter. He stuck his tongue out back.
"You guys are weird."
Marshall said, slightly raising his eyebrows.
"Just drop it."
I think I'm allergic to Hunter's voice.
"I didn't ask for your life story."
"Ohhhh. Slaaaay Keeenziee."
"I know right?! Marshall, can you help me with this? Cuz I'm not some person that thinks they know everything."
"Tsk tsk. That's where you're wrong teddykins. As always. I do know everything."
"But you're doing it WRONG."
"No I'm not."
"Sureeeee you aren't."
"Awh thanks. Of course I'm not."
I rolled my eyes.
"Got you again, huh teddykins?"
"Can you stop calling me that?"
"That depends. Am I totally hot and adorable?"

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