Chapter 4 // Sarcasm and Sass

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"Um sure."
Sally motioned for me to sit down at a table.
"Okay. Where do you live?"
She said it as if she already knew I lived on the streets.
"Er. On the streets. Ya know, like homeless people."
She and Walsh exchanged some sort of mental note.
"Did you live with both your parents?"
"No, well kinda. I lived with my uncle. My mom died when I was younger, and my dad went missing. He went on a business trip and never came back."
Sally picked up a piece of paper with strange writing on it.
"This is in Greek. Can you..."
"Yes. I can read it."
"Have you ever..."
"No. I've never had any practice."
I said, surprising myself at how calmly and firmly I said it.
"Are you dyslexic or ADHD?"
"Yeah. Both."
"Do you get into trouble a lot?"
There was a lot more tests and questions.
Sally and Walsh whispered to each other.
"It's decided. You are a demigod."
"Wait. But how-- uh wha-- w-what? What does that mean? Why? How?"
"Come with me."
Walsh grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door.
"Walsh, let's take the car."
Walsh looked disappointed.
"Wait, where are we going?"
"Camp Half-Blood."
"Oh okay. It's not like I have totally no idea what that place is and have no reason to be suspicious. Oh wait. I do. So wait. WHAT?"
"Oi. This one's sassy. She should meet Percy."
Walsh said, sarcastically, before turning to Sally.
"Sally, please. Let me take her alone. I really need to."
Sally sighed.
"Okay. Stay safe."
We walked for a long time. I was still confused. My whole life had just gotten turned upside down by one simple little word. Demigod.
"Can someone please explain what the heck is going on?"
I said, for nearly the hundredth time.

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