Chapter 12 // Dibs and Dohs

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We freaking charged. Nobody attacked. When we got down into the bowl, Marshall grabbed the flag. And it was like chaos from that point on. Somebody jabbed a sword at him, he sidestepped, and tossed the flag to me. I ran for my life.
Somebody swung their sword wildly. I ducked, blew my harmonica, and they clutched their arm in pain.
As I started running up the hill, two people started fighting with me.
One of them made a slash across my face, but I kicked the other in the stomach and he stumbled backwards.
But as he fell, someone tackled me to the ground, and held a dagger against my throat.
Inky locks of flawlessly disheveled hair, gorgeous eyes, long sleeve shirt that hugged his body perfectly.
Same annoying voice.
He started tugging the flag away from me.
"What? No! Hunter get off of me!"
"Make me."
"Okay I will."
"No you won't."
And I had the strangest feeling to not.
And then that arrogant smirk brought me back to life.
"Oh hell yes I will."
I blew the harmonica twice, into both his arms.
He let go of me. Marshall was coming up from behind.
"Kenzie! Throw it to me!"
I threw it to him and he ran off, dodging attacks.
Hunter was still in pain.
"Here let me help. I can fix it."
I sang a hymn in Ancient Greek and he was healed.
"Um sorry."
I couldn't tell what emotion was on his face.
Silently, I noticed him put his arm around my neck.
For a second I didn't object. Just a second, I swear! Biggest mistake of my life. Just saying.
He hugged me tighter. Everybody in the entire world probably heard that.
Why Hunter. Just why.
We won! At the campfire, I sat down next to Marshall.
Oh, and Hunter sat down next to us too. Of course.
'Now's my chance.'
Everybody started laughing and murmuring with each other.
Well, it was true.
"Wow teddykins. You really like me. You just blabbed to the whole camp that you have dibs on me."
I swear to all the gods I'm going to freaking punch Hunter in his beautiful, unbelievably ugly, hot face.

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