Chapter 27 // First Instincts and Freakouts

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I woke up to Hunter kissing me. My first instinct, of course, was to slap him. And then I realized my hands were tied behind my back and I was tied to a chair.
My next instinct was to kick him. So obviously, my legs were tied to the chair.
And then I noticed Calypso in the corner of my eye.
I started to fidget and fell over onto the ground, still tied to the chair.
Hunter seemed to come out of a trance for a moment.
I looked around. There were random Hunzie shippers and lots of Aphrodite kids.
I noticed one girl saying in a extremely persuasive voice, "Kiss her, Hunter."
And I recognized her. It was Piper, one of Calypso's friends.
The whole camp knew her for her powerful charmspeak and how she helped defeat the earth goddess, blah blah blah.
I seriously didn't need her shipping me, with Hunter or with Marshall.
Calypso was one thing.
An Aphrodite daughter was another.
It was probably reckless what I did next, but I did it anyway.
I flat out just said, "What's your problem?"
She stopped and smiled.
"Kenzie. I know you like him. I can sense it. And I swear he's the one. Not Marshall. No offense."
"So what? Do I look like I freaking care? Do I look like I'm enjoying myself? Well hell no, I ain't."
Piper smiled again.
"Oh no. WE'LL BE BACK."
"Wait. You're just going to leave me here?!"
And everybody left except Hunter.
"Okay. Great. Just great."
"What's great, Teddykins?"
"What did you just say?"
"I said, 'What's great, Teddykins?'."
"You're back! Like they aren't mind-controlling you anymore?"
"Mind controlling? What are you talking about?"
"Are you saying--"
"I'm just kidding."
Hunter laughed.
"You'd think I'd kiss you on purpose? Pssh nah. But agh that dam charmspeak."
It was now that I actually took in my surroundings. It was like a tiny tiny room painted a greenish minty color, with a bed and a fridge and a microwave and a bathroom. That's it, plus the lights on the ceiling.
And then Hunter started randomly freaking out.

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