Chapter 16 // Awws and Awkwards

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I whipped out my harmonica and blew twice.
There was a yelp of pain, and the sound of the head clattering to the floor.
And then there was soft crying.
"Dude.. What did you do?"
"I don't know. Lemme see."
I cracked an eyelid. Luckily, Medusa's head was facedown. Not that the back of her head was any more pretty to look at. Chuck was on the ground, curled up in a ball.
The crying intensified.
"Kenzie! Do something!"
Marshall had jumped back. His face was pure terror.
"U-um g-go wha-what do baby saytrs l-like?"
"How should I know?!"
"Ummm.... Play a song! Start rapping and put on the background music. That should calm him down. I know for a fact that you keep backup music in those sweet shades."
He glanced at me, eyebrows raised.
But he was terrified.
"You're terrified, aren't you? Why?"
He gave me a look like, 'It's nothing, okay?'
"Okay. Just do yo thang."
I smiled and nudged him.
Marshall started rapping and singing softly. I crouched down next to Chuck.
"Hey. Shhh. It's okay."
I pulled out the pins in Chuck's leg and arm, slow and steady.
"Better right?"
Chuck's expression was hard, but his face was so chubby. I couldn't take him seriously.
"Basebawl bat!"
He said in a stern voice.
"Okay okay...."
I said, putting my hands up in an 'I surrender' motion.
I handed him the bat.
Chuck fell asleep.
We didn't want to wake him so we left him on the floor.
I know. Such great babysitters.
Marshall was sitting on the floor, pencil and pad next to him.
"Any new ideas?"
I said, sitting down.
"Hey. Did anyone tell you that you're really pretty?"
Well, that made my heart backflip.
"U-um. No."
"Well you are."
"Aw. Thanks. Marshall."

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