Chapter 37 // Plot Twists and Pranking

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Walsh opened the door.
Chiron gave him a stern face and walked inside.
"Please don't tell me you're a shipper."
I squeezed Marshall and Hunter's hands tighter.
"Wow, Teddykins. You have a REALLY tight grip. Ow."
Chiron gave a hearty laugh.
"No, my dear, I'm not one of "these." As a matter of fact, I planned all of this."
Plot twist.
What now.
Excuse me?
I think all of three of us are about to tackle him to the ground.
And we don't give a schist that we happen to be tied to chairs.
"These people aren't really crazed shippers. Well, they are shippers, just not the crazed type. Most of the Marzie shippers do ship Marzie and most of the Hunzie shippers do ship Hunzie. Actually, to fully answer your question, I am a shipper."
Oh yay.
Chiron is also a shipper.
"Um, what do you ship?"
"Hunzie. But that's another story."
"Hey. Explanation. Now."
Hunter demanded.
"Every year, we prank a couple of the new campers. This year, we just happened to prank you guys, and do some crazed shipping."
I started to open my mouth.
"Actually, the Aphrodite cabin came up with that idea. I just planned it out. I had the camp do a survey, during movie night about which they shipped. And the biggest shippers were Calypso and Walsh. So I made them head of the ship teams."
"No, you are not off the hook with THEM. But the rest of the camp, probably."
"So you planned ALL OF THIS??"
"How did you even-"
Marshall started to say.
Chiron put his hand up.
"Now now, my dear children, there's still the matter of you being tied to chairs and your small love triangle, which can I say, is adorable."
You know what?
I think everybody's insane.
Chiron is definitely insane.
I think I'm the most insane of them all.
I don't know about Hunter and Marshall, but me?
I've gone completely insane.

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