Chapter 19 // Candles and Confessions

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Honestly, I was not expecting an iris message to be the first thing I saw when I woke up.
My eyelids flung open, at the vague sense I was being watched, and I jumped back in bed. Marshall was looking at me, his orange hair ruffled and his green eyes excited like a little kid.
"Gods Marshall. What the Hades are you doing? How long have you been watching me?"
"Aha. Well you're really cute when you sleep and um I finished the song! Come over like now okay?"
Funny how I didn't blush when he said I was cute because I seriously just wanted to go back to sleep.
"Can't this wait Marshall?"
I groaned.
"I've been waiting for like an hour. And I thought I was a deep sleeper."
He grinned, his eyebrows raised skyward. His adorable expression won me over.
"Dam Kenzie."
"Alright, alright. Shut up Marshall and let me get ready."
I said, grinning slightly.
I dragged myself to the Hades cabin and knocked on the door.
The same adorable kid greeted me.
"Good morning, miss. Our special today is Marshall's new song a la mode. Hot chocolate is on the house. Would you like a table for two? Of course. Follow me."
"Um. Okay."
I followed Marshall to a table that was surrounded by fake jumbo candles. They towered over the table and cast a sort of orangey glow.
He sat me down and plopped himself down in the other seat.
"What was that all about?" I said, laughing.
"No clue. Just came to me."
He said, laughing.
"Okay. As promised, we have ice cream and hot chocolate. Yay."
"Wait. Hot chocolate in the summer?"
"Uh yeah. Gotta problem?"
I put my hands up.
"Just perform your song."
I spooned some ice cream into my mouth and gulped down some hot chocolate.
When the song was over, I applauded with exaggerated clapping. When I stopped, Marshall got a sort of shy and determined look on his face.
"And that's me saying that.. I like you Kenzie. I like like you."
It was strange, considering that we were both a mess and practically still in our pjs.
But his smile was undeniable.
"Aw. Marshall."
I went with my gut.
"I like you too."

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