Chapter 24 // Fangirls and Fanboys

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"What Calypso?"
"What? Oh nothing."
I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Don't you 'What? Oh nothing.' me. What do you want? Are you like a secret spy for the Aphrodite cabin? Like they would need one."
"You think every time I want to talk to you it's about Hunter and Marshall. Well, that's mostly true. So spill."
I raised my eyebrow again.
"You know you like Hunter too."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Actually I could.
I mean-
Not that I like Hunter.
I mean-
That Calypso would talk about it.
Ya know?
"And? Is that it? Okay bye."
"What? No. Can I leave now?"
"You're not leaving. Love triangle huh?"
Still can't believe what I'm hearing.
"Do I have to remind you about your like what, a gazillion boyfriends?"
"I respect your retort."
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Are we done?"
"No. You must think deep within your heart and decide who it is. Take all the time you need."
"Time's up. IT SHALL BE HUNZIE."
"Hunzie? Is that like a ship name? Oh my gods. I've been talking to an insane fangirl for like 5 minutes. Besides, what do you even have to back that up?"
No response.
"Have you been spying on me?"
Again, I can not believe this.
"Of course not! Um you gotta go. Go kiss Hunter or something. You know what? I'll schedule it for you. Okay? Okay. Um bye!!"
Well, that answers my question. At least I can leave.
A few seconds later, I met with Walsh in an iris message. Against my will, of course.
I groaned.
"What do you want."
"So um I um just wanted to say.... MARZIE FOR LIFE."
"Not you too."
"Honestly, you're the one who needs to worry about love. Walsh, get a girlfriend. And stop butting into my life."
"Yeah no."
"Okay, what do you want? I'm already with Marshall. What else?"
I shook my head.
"Go ahead. Bye Walsh."
I disconnected the signal.
I have one huge fangirl who wants me to kiss Hunter.
And one huge fanboy who wants me to kiss Marshall.
Scratch that.
They don't just want me to.
Should I be scared?
Should I think they're mental?
Will I survive this?
Probably not.

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