Chapter 22 // Crumpled and Compliments

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"I can't believe Hunter's still in the infirmary."
I had a sudden, one millisecond flashback.
I ran all the way to the infirmary.
"Are you okay?"
Hunter was lying crumpled in a bed. He had a cast on his right leg and left arm. You could tell there was a gash on the side of his head. His hair was shiny and kind of flipped to the side.
"Yeah. I guess. You look better."
"Wow. First sorta compliment."
He smiled. Not his signature smirk. A real, genuine smile. To be freakishly honest, I couldn't help how cute he looked.
"Well? I don't bite. Aren't you gonna come over here?"
I walked over.
"So... Um you're with Marshall now? Like for real?"
I nodded.
"Why? Does that bother you?"
"No... It's... It's fine."
He looked away.
"If it bothers you--"
"It's fine. I'm fine."
"I don't believe you, but I'm not gonna ask. Can I sign your cast?"
He managed a weak smile.
"Sure. What color?"
"Um orange?"
He tossed an orange marker to me.
"The arm or the leg?"
"The arm."
I wrote: feel better hunter. MWAH ~teddykins <3
"Okay Hunter. When are you getting out?"
"In a couple of days. See ya Kenzie."
"Bye Hunter."
I left the infirmary.
"I know you're there, Marshall."
Sunglasses appeared out of nowhere and so did Marshall.
"I can sense it. You have this strong warm and chilly, at the same time, feel."
"Dam. That's what happens when a Hades kid tells someone they like them. If the person says they like them back, that person can feel us. If we're warm, we're in a goodish mood. And vice versa. It's weird."
"Okay so?"
"So what?"
"I'm getting the chilly feel. What's up?"
"Oh. Just don't want Hunter stealing you, ya know? I know a lot of the other Apollo girls like me, but... I don't know. You're different. In a good way."
"Let me get this straight. You think Hunter will steal me?"

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