Chapter 33 // Crushes and Crossed Arms

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"You know, I've kinda had a crush on you since that time you squirted hot sauce all over me."
Hunter gave a sheepish smile.
And let's just say.
We fell asleep together.
I woke up to the sound of people whispering.
Hunter was still sleeping and making noises in his sleep. His hair was still fluffy and a perfect bed head.
I nudged him.
"Hmmm? Yeah? What?"
He mumbled in an adorable way.
"What do you mean 'what?' There are people watching us sleep!"
"Oh. WHAT?"
We sat up in bed and Piper and Calypso smiled at us.
"Awww. Our two little love birds sleeping together already? So cute, right everybody?"
The rest of the Hunzie shippers murmured in agreement.
"Oh him?"
They laughed.
"Don't worry about him. He's.... safe."
I gave Hunter a sideways look like, 'are you hearing this?'
Hunter knit his eyebrows.
"Can we leave now?"
He said.
"Kiss again. Like you mean it. And then we'll set you free."
"Show us Marshall."
I said, crossing my arms.
"Oh you want him to watch you kiss?"
The crowd parted and Marshall was strapped to a chair and gagged.
"No problem."
Man, what is up with these people?
"Marshall. Are you okay?"
Wow. Look at me. Talking to someone who's gagged. Like totally, they're gonna respond.
Marshall shrugged, and rolled his eyes at me.
"You see him. Now DO IT."
"If we do.... You'll let us leave?"
They nodded.
"Swear on the River Styx?"
"We swear... On the River Styx."
I shot Marshall a look.
He gave me a look like, 'Just do it. Then you can get out of here.'
I looked at Hunter.
I stared into those kaleidoscope eyes. They were a mesmerizing blue.
And he stared back at me.
Letting out long soft sighs.
"Kenzie... You're amazing. Okay?"
He pulled me close.
And he kissed me.
Well, we, kissed.

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