Chapter 9 // Braggers and Badasses

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For a second, I thought he was going to strangle me.
I gave a lame apologetic smile.
His eyebrows scrunched together and he pouted in a cute way.
"Ya know what? It's fine. I deserved that right?"
And then he was back. He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned this really goofy grin and flipped his hair, splattering hot sauce all over me.
He kept grinning.
Percy and Annabeth and everybody else was staring, jaw dropped. And then they started exchanging glances, eyebrows raised.
"Nothing." They quickly answered back, with sly smiles plastered onto their faces.
"Don't forget, you two. It's Capture the Flag tonight. But it's free time now so you can do whatever you want. We'll check on you guys again later. Or not."
Same sly smiles.
"Hey Kenzie!"
I turned around.
"Now what Hunter?"
"I made a friend!" He said in an excited little kindergarten kid voice.
"Well congratulations!"
"Come on!"
I walked over. Hunter cleared his throat excessively, took off his imaginary jacket, straightened his imaginary bow tie, and put on an exaggerated smile.
"Kenzie. This is Marshall Marston."
The kid had red hair and green eyes.
"Hades kid. Talented rapper and singer. Amazing dancer. Deep. Really deep. Known well around camp even though he's only been here a mon--"
"What's with the weird intro? And how do you know all this already?! You were just standing next to me a second ago!"
"Oh yeah. Speaking of that, I'm taller than you. Like a badass."
He popped his imaginary collar, put on imaginary shades, ran his fingers through his hair, and lowered his shades coolly.
"So badass." I said sarcastically.
He put his hand up.
"This. Is me shunning you."
"I'd slap you. But that would be animal abuse."
"Puh-lease. You know you love me. I'm beautiful."
"Keep talking. Someday you might say something intelligent."
"You just can't handle my fabness, teddykins."
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Marshall. And he was trying not to laugh.
"Hey are you two... Ya know..."

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