Chapter 13 // Headphones and Hugs From Hades

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I woke up early and wanted to take an early morning walk. I know what you're thinking. Who wakes up early? And then not goes back to sleep?!
When I got outside, there were skulls littered around on the ground. The skulls had headphones on, and they were the size of my thumb.
That was his signature sign. He told me yesterday. Plus a lot of the apollo kids talk about him.
And by that I mean, some of the girls like him. Or as Marshall would say, some of the girls totally ship him with themselves. Whatever the heck that means.
I followed the tiny trail of skulls to the Hades cabin.
I slowly knocked on the cabin door.
"Over here."
I turned to see Marshall sulking against the cabin. He took off his hood. His usual gelled up orange hair, was a fray.
"Hey. What's going on?"
"The apollo kids I hired bailed on me."
He grumbled in his usual smoky and moody voice, as he threw his hood nonchalantly back over his head.
"Now I effin' can't record another song. So I thought, you're an apollo kid right?"
"Uh huh."
"And we could get some of your apollo friends or some other people."
"Yeah... I don't have any friends."
"NO." I said, drawling it out sarcastically.
He shoved his hands into his pockets.
"So is that a yes? Otherwise I'm gonna rant. Okay? Okay. Cuz I swear I suck at everything else besides rapping and writing songs. I don't even know why I'm not an apollo child though. Maybe.... You know what I don't even know. Kenzie, please? Pleasie please? I'm gonna keep ranting until you say yes."
"Yo. Dude. Chill."
You know they're desperate when they start babbling like that.
"I'll do it, okay? Besides you could've asked Hunter. He's really popular and he does that thing where he likes--"
"Charmspeak. And really? Yes! Thank you so much! I promise I owe you one. Or not. It wasn't my fault. It was those apollo kids ya know."
"Yo. Remember. Chill."
He threw his arms around me in a hug I wouldn't expect from a Hades kid.
"Jeez. No problem. Just promise me you'll put some of that sick gel in your hair."
I said, smiling and hugging him back.

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