Chapter 39 // Hot Sauce and Hot Chocolate

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The funny thing was that there was hot sauce and hot chocolate...
But anyways...
Woop woop!
"So.... Allow me to apologize for everything that happened. Chiron makes us do it. But the good thing is that if you can survive this, I bet you you can definitely survive a quest."
Piper said, with an apologetic smile.
Walsh and Calypso agreed.
"That's nice to know..."
"Ooooohh! Kenzie's such a player. Two at once? What were you thinking?"
Percy smirked.
"Shut up, Percy. You kissed Rachel. What were YOU thinking?"
Annabeth said, elbowing him in the gut.
"Just ignore him."
"I think this is cute." Hazel said.
Everyone was shooting glances at each other.
"Guys? I think we should spill."
Percy said.
Everyone nodded.
"Hunzie is bae. Hunzie has been bae since the hot sauce incident. Right?"
Everybody murmured in agreement.
"BUT. Marzie is so adorable. Like I can't. Marshall, you're doing it right, man."
"Hey hey hey. Can I just say something?"
Leo waved his arms around.
"Look, Hunter. Last year, I met this guy at camp. His name was Cooper. Cooper Burns. His dad was Hephaestus, like me. And ya know Hephaestus kids, we're naturally hot. But he was blessed by Aphrodite. And I'm gonna say to you what I said to him. I said, 'All ya gotta do is be hot. And honestly, I don't think you got a problem with that.' And that's freaking true. I mean look at him!"
Hunter managed a weak smile.
"But Marshall, I can't say you're hot, but you're adorable as heck."
"Now now let's not get carried away. We still must discuss, whether it is Hunzie or Marzie."
Chiron somehow made it sound very serious.
Very very serious.
Maybe too serious.
But I don't even know anymore.
Hunter started to say.
Marshall continued.
"I agree guys. Sooo awkward..."

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