Chapter 21 // Bruises and Breakfast

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My right rib was bruised and my left rib was bruised even worse. Oh and my left hip was bruised too. And my head. And my shoulder. Basically my whole left side was messed up when I hit the side of the cabin. Yay.
It was amazing I didn't break any bones. Well, maybe I did and they used some sort of magic greeky thing on me.
They told me to stay in the infirmary for a couple more days until I was completely better.
And everyday Marshall came to visit. He would sing me a song or read me a book or whatever.
It was nice and all.
But I still didn't remember what exactly happened.
And I wanted to know.
Today they let me go.
Thinking back, there was something off about Marshall.
At breakfast, everybody watched me as I walked over to the Hades table and sat down.
"Hey. Marshall. What's wrong?"
Everybody was still watching.
'Like seriously. What did I miss?'
"It's nothing."
"You can tell me."
"It's just.. I couldn't save you. I wanted to save you. But everything. It all took me by surprise. Because for once, I had the chance to do something good for someone. Someone like you.. And I missed it. I missed it. I finally had someone who liked me back. And I missed it. Because, my dad is the worst, and my mom was just.."
Marshall buried his face in his hands.
"Hey. It's okay. I'm here now. You already did so much good for me,"
I scooted closer to him.
He turned his head. He put one arm around my neck and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

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