Chapter 26 // Fun and For Hunzie

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Marshall looked around.
He wiped his hand down his face and sat down on his bed.
"It's... ah, nothing..."
"You can't keep hiding whatever it is you're hiding."
He gave me a look like, 'Sure I can. Wanna bet?'
"Marshall. Do you like me?"
He gave me a cute look.
"Then you can tell me. What is it?"
"Nothing. My dad visited yesterday. And you know how much I hate him. So yeah..."
I doubted his dad could cause all this mess, but Marshall obviously didn't want to talk.
Luckily, I didn't have to say anymore because someone broke the window and jumped inside.
"Well this can't be good."
"Ya think? Run!"
"Run where?! They probably have the whole house surrounded!"
And then someone fell in through the ceiling.
The kid lifted me up and carried me out the door.
Marshall was running after me but some kid in a TEAM MARZIE shirt picked him up.
Woah. The whole camp was here. I think Calypso and Walsh got smarter.
Before everyone had a white shirt on. Now it was yellow (TEAM HUNZIE) vs. blue (TEAM MARZIE).
How they got changed so fast, I don't know.
But what I do know is that they are obviously trying to kill me. A girl in a blue shirt came up to the kid and freaking punched him in the face.
He dropped me to the ground and started fighting.
I scrambled away.
I had to get out of here.
And then I saw him.
Hunter was tied to a chair and gagged in the middle of the crowd. His crutches were missing.
Poor Hunter. But still, his hair was perfect.
I shook my head.
I'm about to die and all I can think about is that?!
Hell no.
But how was I going to get out of here?! I was completely surrounded.
I decided to just stay on the floor and hope they don't notice me and just let me die. Amazing plan, I know.
Well eventually someone noticed me and there was a scene and then they fighted and then they clocked me on the head and knocked me out. Fun.

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