Chapter 35 // Breathing and Booing

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"Marzie territory? Oh yay. More shippers."
I looked around.
"Oh hey Walsh."
He was sitting on a chair, one goat leg on top of the other.
He said nonchalantly.
Okay, I'm so done now.
Soooooo done.
"Whooaa there, Teddykins. Calm down."
Hunter had his hand over my mouth.
"Breathe, just breathe. Deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth."
I breathed.
"That's right."
Tired, I plopped my head onto his shoulder.
Hunter tensed up.
Not to mention King of the Marzie Shippers right here.
So, I plopped my head on Marshall's shoulder instead.
What? I'm tireeed.
He tilted his head against mine and squeezed my hand.
"I was worried, Kenz. I don't know exactly what happened in there, but I told you I was scared of this. No offense Hunter, I don't blame you for liking her. She's swagalicious."
....That was Walsh.
"Anyways.... I agree. And I respect what you two have. After all, Aphrodite's my mom. But seriously, Kenzie, how could you like ME? That limo must've hit you REAL hard."
That limo broke literally half my body.
"Wait... What really happened? I still don't remember anything, and no one ever told me..."
"Well," Hunter started to say, "After Marshall told you he liked you, the Aphrodite cabin came in and was harassing you guys. Then a limo came crashing in. Someone tackled you, the driver turned and the car swiveled around, the side of the car slammed into you, and sent you and that other person flying into the wall. Fun, right?"
"So.... Who tackled me?"
Hunter said, humbly.
"You risked your life for me?"
"Awww. That's so sweet."
"I guess."
"BOOOO!" Walsh said.
"I mean, it IS sweet. But still, BOOOO."

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