Chapter 25 // Charmspeak and Crap

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Crap. Walsh is back. And you will not believe what Calypso and Walsh are doing. Gods. Why me?
Apparently, they have started an army to fight against each other. And with the Aphrodite cabin along with them... Let's just say this won't end well. Mostly for me.
And the worst part is, Hunter's getting out of the infirmary today.
I woke up today like everything was totally normal. But when I went to breakfast and sat down at the Hades table, I almost died.
Everybody, and I mean everybody, was either wearing a "TEAM MARZIE" or a "TEAM HUNZIE" shirt.
I blame the Aphrodite cabin. Dam charmspeak.
"DO IT."
"Do IT."
'Whoa. That's taking it too far.'
"Hey Kenzie."
"WHAT?! Oh. Hey Hunter."
"What's going on?"
"I don't know. I didn't do it. Just let me die."
"Hey Kenzie."
"Whoa. Relax. It's just me. Marshall."
"What's going on? Where did everybody get those t-shirts?"
"Calypso and Walsh. Aphrodite cabin. Charmspeak. Out of control shipping. Insane matchmakers. Get the picture?"
"Nice. Who are they shipping?"
I stared at Hunter.
He almost choked.
"What now?"
"Half of them ship me and you. And half of them ship me and Marshall. Calypso and Walsh are starting a war."
Hunter and Marshall sat down on either side of me.
The voice pierced the air. It was a rich shout. That could only mean..
Hunter suddenly went very very still, as if he had just been slapped across the face. Then he started leaning towards me.
I slapped him. Oops.
And then he started leaning in again.
"Marshall! Help?"
Marshall shot to his feet and wrapped his arms around me. And then I felt myself slip into a cold pool of darkness. And then a couple of moments later, I broke free of the darkness. We were in the Hades cabin.
"Um wha-"
"Shadow travel."
I looked around. The cabin was a mess.
"What happened here?"
That seemed to take Marshall by surprise.
"What's wrong, Marshall?"

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