Chapter 31 // Showoffs and Silences

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I knew Hunter was taking his time. But he couldn't just stay in there and wait for me to leave. Because OBVIOUSLY I wasn't going anywhere because the DAM HUNZIE SHIPPERS WON'T LET US GO UNTIL WE FALL IN LOVE OR WHATEVER.
Can I just say, crazy.
But I wasn't going to push it. I wasn't going to rush him. Mostly because that would be rude, and you do not want to be stuck in a room with someone that doesn't like you. Not to mention the fact that we're not allowed to leave this room until we fall in love with each other.
Again, crazy.
I laid down on the bed and just thought as I waited. I didn't make any noise. After a decent amount of time, I heard the door open.
Hunter peeked around and saw me.
I sat up.
Hunter came over and sat down facing me.
We are breathing.
No conversation whatsoever.
"Give me your arm."
I said out of the blue.
He looked at me, and after a moment stretched out his arm.
I rolled up his sleeve.
Look at me, the next Sherlock Holmes. I was right.
"Why? I thought-"
"Thought that I was the typical popular hot guy that everybody swooned over and that I was this arrogantly confident badass?"
He tried to smile.
"Um. Is that why, you always wear long sleeves?"
He gave me a look like, 'obviously.'
"But I don't-"
"Yeah. Why? You're supposed to be fabulous."
He gave a chuckle.
"Look. I got to camp a little while before you. And my life before this, and even sometimes now, it was just depressing. Okay? I mean, I had friends, but I didn't think I deserved them. I may have been utterly hot, but I still felt worthless. I felt like people hated me, and thought I was just this hot show-off. But I wasn't. I was scared, and lonely, and sad. Some people even had the nerve to bully me. I smiled at school and at home so no one ever knew."
"Awwww Hunter... You're amazing and gorgeous and you're definitely worth it. If not to them, then to me. Look yourself in the mirror and say, 'IM WORTH IT AND SCREW ALL THEM HATERS.' It might be hard, but if you do, life's gonna get better. You don't have to be so strong all by yourself. You have others to lean and cry on. You have me. But if you ever EVER think about doing it again, find me. Okay?"
I kissed one of his scars.
Hunter wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
"So.... Now what?"
"We sleep I guess? What else is there to do?"
"Wait a second.... There's only one bed."
"Ah yes.... Like the good old days... Remember the first time we met?"
"How could I forget?"
I said sarcastically.
"And all the other times?"
There was a silence. It was an awkward, comforting silence. If that makes sense. It was tense, like we both just realized something.
And then it happened. It happened so fast I didn't even know what was happening. Again, I am making no sense. But what happened was...
Hunter kissed me.
And I kissed him back.
Um oops?

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