Chapter 3 // Relish and Risks

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"What about my stuff?"
"You can carry your guitar. I'll take your suitcase."
I looked at the kid.
"You can trust me. But I would so keep this hot dog if you don't wanna come."
I glanced at the hot dog.
"What, no relish?"
The boy chuckled in a weird sort of way, almost like a goat.
"So I can have it?"
He said, grinning.
"No way. I'll come. What's your name though?"
"Walsh Greene. You?"
"Kenzie Stark."
I said, taking a bite out of the hot dog.
We walked for a pretty long time. Walsh got lost a lot. Eventually, I sat down on the steps of someone's apartment, while Walsh glanced left and right down the street.
"Kenzie? You coming?"
I was about to tell him 'no' when the door behind me opened and I flinched. A dark haired, blue eyed woman looked at us.
I sat there, awkwardly as they engaged in conversation.
"Sorry, Kenzie. This is Sally Jackson."
Sally smiled.
"And Sally, this is Kenzie Stark."
"Hi Kenzie."
Walsh grinned.
"So Walsh, what brings you by here?"
"Actually, Kenzie. I'm pretty sure she's a demigod."
I wasn't sure I heard right.
"A what?"
"A demigod. Let's go inside. And then we'll explain."
Sally led us into her apartment.
'Well it's too late if they're lunatic murderers now.'
"Can someone just explain what a demigod is?"
"It's when you have a mortal parent and a godly parent. Like Zeus, or Poseidon, or something like that."
"And you're telling me that I'm one of those?"
"That's... How do you know?"
Walsh whispered something in Sally's ear.
"Kenzie, do you mind us asking a few questions and stuff?"
And I swear to god, I almost said, 'Do I get food?'
Why? Cuz I like food.

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